[center][b]Name:[/b] [color=662d91]Lyndis (Lyn) Saito[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female Appearance: [img]http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/e5/7a/warrior,woman,asian,cg,digitalart,fantasy-e57a1738bfc29abac2af8ebcc4fd71e6_h.jpg[/img] Lyn is 5'6" Slender and slightly muscular build Weapon(s): [url=http://d3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net/13000332/images/gf-001dg_2.jpg]Naginata[/url], [url=http://cdn.iofferphoto.com/img2/wantad/976/197/Japanese_wakizashi.jpg]Wakizashi[/url] [b]Class:[/b] Brick [b]Bio:[/b] The small village of Seki buried deep in The Ittoki Pearls is the ancestral home of the of the Saito Clan and the Spirit Hunters. The mountainous terrain is perfect for training the mind as well as the body, and it is a prime location to hunt rare and powerful beasts for Spirit Hunters. This was the world Lyn was born into, and she hated it. Lyn was born the only daughter of one of the branch families and even from a young age she was thought that her only use in life would to get close to the main families heir and try to empower her family through marriage.This thought never set well with Lyn, in fact it down right infuriated her. Lyn was determined to change her fate and began to train herself. Unannounced to her family Lyn sought a master from within the Clan, one of the Elders that would teach the Spirit Hunters of the next generation. Luckily the young girl was able to find a master that would not only train her, but would also keep her training secret from her family, Master Shan. Master Shan was a kind lady who understood Lyn's dream, and she saw talent in the young girl, talent that would go to waste if the girl had only been groomed to be a wife. So at the age of 12 Lyn took her first steps to becoming a Spirit Hunter. The next six years pushed Lyn to her limits and broke them. Determined the young girl's progress was amazing, she could easily beat other students her age given the chance. But Master Shan's training was no walk in the park even for a natural. Lyn had many times where she had to fight for her life during the training, more so than any normal student would have to go through, and by the age of 18 Lyn was ready to show her progress. A hunt had been arranged by the head family for their heir Mitsuhide to obtain his first Spirit, their prey a Dire Frost Wolf. Lyn heard of this hunt and knew the perfect way to show her power. Lyn followed the group in their hunt for a few days until she was able to find a trail to track the beast. As soon as she had her thread Lyn was off. The lone hunter was easily able to maneuver and track far better than the group that now followed her allowing Lyn to find the Dire Wolf's lair well before Mitsuhide. This was both a blessing and a curse as Lyn would soon find out she didn't find the lair on her own accord, the wolf had lured her there. Alone Lyn faced off against three frost wolves and the dire frost wolf in a bloody fight in which she almost lost. Standing the victor Lyn didn't waste any time, she immediately started the spirit ritual to absorb the Dire Frost Wolf's spirit. Her first time was something that could not be explained with words it was amazing, yet painful it was like being torn to shreds just to be put back together again and when she awoke from the meditative trance her life began anew. Instantly she noticed that her sense of smell and hearing had been amplified, and something was coming. Lyn instantly shot up and turned, Before her stood Mitsuhide and his hunting party. Enraged that the girl had taken his kill Mitsuhide charged Lyn. The fight was over quickly Lyn was far to powerful for the boy and she was unable to control herself as her blade cleaved him in two. The remainder of the hunting party fled and to tired to chase them Lyn knew what would happen. She returned to her village a few days later expecting the worst. She was to be put to death for slaying the heir to the family "in cold blood", but luckily Master Shan was able to convince the elders that Lyn was to good of a spirit hunter to waste. After agreeing to a demonstration of her abilities the elders of the clan agreed with Shan's words and instead of putting Lyn to the sword they exiled her. Never to see her home or family again. Lyn left Seki that day and headed to the Empire. For the next five months she wandered as a Ronin helping out villagers in need while looking for a place to call home. It wasn't until she was on the hunt for a Demonic Oni that she would find exactly what she had been searching for. After assisting the Heir to the Kujitsawa clan defeat the Oni she was offered a position within their ranks. Impressed by the Young Lord's presence and fighting skills Lyn accepted the position. In the nearly six years since that time Lyn has become a strong warrior in the Kujirsawa Clan and has even been made the personal bodyguard to the Young Lord, Yoshitsune, and will follow him into hell if need be to ensure his protection. [b]Special Ability:[/b] Spirit Hunter - A Rare breed of warrior whom absorb the spirits of defeated beasts/dark creatures to empower themselves. A Spirit Hunter will take on abilities and attributes of their absorbed spirit but can only absorb one spirit at a time. Upon releasing a spirit the hunter looses all abilities/skills related to the spirit. Current Spirit: Stone Tortoise Passive: Decreases speed, but greatly increases decisive capabilities 1st Ability: Stone Shell - Materialize the shell of the Stone Tortoise to create a Shield/Barrier (Size and Strength can be Manipulated with Chi) 2nd Ability: Not Yet Learned 3rd Ability: Not Yet Learned Misc: [/center]