[quote=@WrongEndoftheRainbow] Heavy WIP I got out in 15 minutes before I have to go. [hider=The Fallen] [center][h1]The Fallen[/h1][img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/02/08/37359/big_thumb_3060f23c7ab157ae7b1974eb320f51e0.jpg[/img][/center] [h2]Species[/h2] The most common appearance of this species is the average height masked figure, clad in yellow robes and a pale mask. [hider=The Mask] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/31ff9dcb54e5dd61e21b9f57da128e6b.png[/img] [/hider] [h2]Description of government[/h2] N/A [h2]Description of military[/h2] N/A [h2]Technological Overview[/h2] Their ruins, spread across the galaxy, are generally fantastical in nature, making heavy use of magic. There is no set version of these fantastical items, however. Some may be bombs, some may heal those around them, others may even flay people alive. [h2]Cultural Overview[/h2] The agents of this persuasion make appearances almost at random, showing up just about anywhere. No clear details have been extracted from them. [h2]History[/h2] Billions of years ago, before the formation of true galaxies, before even the UU, there existed those only known now as the Fallen. They were the masters of the arcane, capable of incredible magical feats. They spread far and wide, and eventually discovered a terrifying secret, one that would be their undoing. They found their star to be a gateway to something greater, some magical nexus connecting dimensions. More importantly, they found what is known today as heaven. They gathered their resources, drawing from the magical energy of their protogalaxy, they poured all they had into ascension. They gathered the keys, the artifacts. They trawled the universe, locating artifacts ancient to even them; adding them to the vast cosmological puzzle that was their warmth and light in the sky. They made a tragic mistake. And so did their sun disappear, their entire race vanishing from existence. They left behind a legacy of magical inclination, the only evidence they ever existed in the first place. Nobody knows where exactly they went or what exactly they did. They appear in many legends, their presence still known in some form. They've become more active in the last few billion years, much to the chagrin of the Universal Union. They are slowly returning, taking an active hand in affairs that they would otherwise have no interfered in. [h2]Other[/h2] [/hider] [/quote] [@keyguyperson]