Mira was starting to get her suspicions on Sparhawk's behavior but hadn't quite caught on yet like Sorren did. She grinned widely once the new announcement was made. Seemed all their hard work was for nothing. [i]Puppets[/i], the pirate thought smugly. Once she was free the woman decided to repay the gesture by shoving the man who'd been restraining her, then happily accepted the weasel back. Surprisingly it settled down in her grip and stopped cursing everyone out. She signed it a quick few words, then had it direct that to Sparhawk. [color=856363]"I missed you like a cur misses its fleas."[/color] Mira was still upset with him; for the part where he had ignored her and for the part where he was only releasing them because he was no longer being ordered to capture the pair. Although, she couldn't really hold that against him. He was just doing his job. [color=856363]"What's the catch?"[/color] That had most certainly caught her attention but she was still wary.