[center][b]The Fifth Raikage, Takeru's Decision.[/center][/b] Standing in front of the windows that provided view over the cloud, a man with short dark hair looked with a worried glance at the village. Though this was impossible to see with this masked donned on. His hands were folded at his back. As he kept watching at the Cloud, some thoughts drifted into the mind of the man. He was wondering about what he was going to order. Would it be the right decision? Was it the right time? All factors that would decide the chance of the success he had wanted. For what he had planned. Turning slowly around, he saw three chuunin on one knee. Their heads were bowed in respect for him as they waited in silence for his orders. Orders that would hopefully benefit Kumogakure. To ensure it's future and prosperity. But Takeru wavered. It wasn't that he was insecure or had any doubts about the plans. But it were factors that were just bothering him. But what was needed to be done, should be done. And as soon as possible. Besides, he could count on some good ANBU that would surely aid him in his task. [b]''I want to have Nariko Jun to get the next order. I want him to travel to the Snow Country. I want to bring the message I offer the Snow country the same services we give to the Frost and Sky country. That together we can work on a much brighter future.''[/b] One of the man rose up, made a deep bow and marched away. That was the first step. Now on the next. [b]''Let another ANBU, Kamiko Jun know that she is needed in the country of Wolf. I want to have a report of there are any activies that can or may undermine expansion as offering the country our protection and co-operation. That would be all. For now.''[/b] The second Chuunin rose up, bowed and marched away. Only one order remained. But it wouldn't be directed to any ANBU. [b]''Would you be so kind to bring Waki to my Office. There is something I need to discuss with him. Please tell him that it are... urgent subjects he and I need to talk about.''[/b] Takeru told the last chuunin, a woman. The woman bowed as she mumbled she would make it happen. When she left the Office, Takeru sighed. He turned again to the windows that provided view over the Cloud. Slowly his right hand went to his mask, trembling a bit. It wasn't fear that held the Fifth Raikage in it's clutches. [center]It was ambition.[/center]