The realm of Sombra was rather simple. It was basically a library of secrets known as the Agartha. Notes continued to flap in, books fluttered by, all information gathered from her children. But notes never left, a consequence when many of her followers had stopped believing in her, and the stories were rarely past from parent to child. Sphinxes laid about with a depressing air of boredom. Some were even playing small games. Other’s riddled each other. She understood perfectly… what was the point of defending something with no access? Still... today was something that will change that. Yet… no letter came for Sombra, whom was sitting outside of the library on a massive pillar staring out to a void to the end of eras, and seeing nothing. Such a thing as delivery was not needed for her. Once the letter was drafted, simply exposing its contents to the world for a mere second would be all she needed to read it. To her… her eyes were not her real eyes, they were more like decoration. Her conscience danced around space like an amoeba, seeing all at once in a general view, and focusing in to see the finer details. Strange how no one bothered to ask how she –sees- things from a great distance. But she is kind enough to provide privacy when asked. Many of the gods have holes in her vision where their personal bed chambers lies. Few realms were actually ignored, and those that were... were requested or lined in bronze. Once the letter was read, the feline slowly rose off of her pillar. She spun around blindly, and began trotting off across the air in a casual gait. [hr] Sometime later, the feline’s incorporeal body easily stepped through the wall. First her head crowned in the other side in a whispy cloud of smoke, then came the rest of her body. The feline quietly slinked across the grand hall and found her chair. The goddess paused for a moment, and turned her head to the three other’s in the room and gave a respectful nod. She then climbed her way into the seat and made herself comfortable. Angels approached her, expecting to wait on her desires. The feline’s head tilted back for a moment to reguard them, then slowly tilted to side in thought. A few seconds later, she raised a paw, and turned it so that the pad faced the distant river. The Angles nodded and went to work, she had somehow managed to train them in understanding some of her most basic gestures. She simply said… surprise her. And that they did. They brought her a piece of fruit, a mango. The goddess smiled, and bit down on it. Her fangs sunk down into the flesh giving her anchorage to lift it off of the plate.