In the midst of a seemingly endless deserts, a large clump of sand, ever changing, rested. It surrounded itself with cacti, great creations of sand and rock, and a small group of Djinn, who due to their actions were allowed entrance into the sand god's realm. The shifting sands, known as the Earth Blight, Thu-mmmok, rested within his ideal world, waiting for the silence to end, so he could spread his beautiful deserts further, surely the humans would like him then, right? His thinking was interrupted by one of the Djinn near him looking up, and muttering one question. "An angel?" Thu-mmmok's form hastily changed, from the endlessly shifting sands into an amalgamation of rags, bones, and sand, towering high. to meet this angel in a form that was easier to talk to, than a mass of swirling sand. "What is it, messenger?" Thu-mmmok's raspy voice whispered harshly. The angel said no words, and simply handed a letter to the desert god. Thu-mmmok's large hands quickly seized the letter, tearing it open with surprising grace, to read its contents. His voice boomed across the desert, in a voice filled with anger and surprise. "He thinks himself mighty enough to command us so readily!?" Thu-mmmok's form heaved, and trembled, bits of sand falling off of it, due to his loss of composure, before exhaling, and calming himself. He bid farewell to his companions, the Djinn, they were the only company he had, as the other gods very rarely visited. Dreading meeting some of the other gods, and excited to meet some of the others once again, he set off, the angel following with a sigh, Thu-mmmok's rages were not uncommon, nor were they surprising. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thu-mmmok arrived in the Hall of Gods swiftly, despite his earlier protests, and reluctance to hear what Kilgarrah had to say, entering as a shifting mass of sand, before taking on his preferred form, a human nomad, and walking to his seat, without a word. He didn't attempt any remarks, or any personal greetings, Instead he took a deep breath, and spoke. "I suppose its nice to see you all again, for whatever that formality is worth."