[centre][b][color=fff200][h1]Niesha[/h1][/color][/b] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/2prbtlc.jpg[/img] [b]location:[/b] dead teen, near medical garden--> courthouse building one[/centre] Niesha allowed herself on brief moment to stare down at the teen. Maybe there would have been a chance to save him, to bring him back from death, but she knew CPR would be next to useless. And there were other kids to think about. But she would always wonder. Shaking her head, she wiped the knife on her shirt, and began to usher any lingering kids towards the courthouse, figuring orders be damned. Victor would just have to put up with her presence there, although she could avoid the infirmary. She called out for any children hiding, and when she couldn't see anyone, she followed the last of the children to the building, constantly glancing about, as if by looking she could summon Sophie. Sighing softly, Niesha gave Kristina a wave when she saw her waiting. She looked back once more, wishing she didn't have to leave the dead teenager behind. Right then though it was for the living. She looked about at the children. She was surprised they had held up so well, and saddened that despite the relative safety here, they didn't really get to be children. She looked to Kristina, and gave a sigh. [color=fff200]"The teen was dead, there...there might have been a chance, maybe, but I couldn't risk it, could I?"[/color] Her voice was full of desperation, as if she needed someone to tell her it was okay. She dashed her hands furiously at her eyes, pressing them to her eyes, as if that could stop the tears. [color=fff200]"I...I had to...had kill the brain, didn't I?"[/color] She cleared her throat, and managed to get control of herself, wiping furiously at the last few tears. [color=fff200]"I don't know if Sophie is okay...and there were four shots. What if theres a newly turned resident stumbling about?"[/color] She kept her voice as low as she could, looking over the children again. She gave a heavy sigh, and drew in a deep breath. [color=fff200]"Hey kids, do you want to sing a song?"[/color] Perhaps it would take their minds off everything, at least it would give them something to do.