Name: Tamotsu Age: Unknown Race: Watarimono (Travelers) Gender: Presumed male Appearance: [img][/img] Weapon(s): Chokuto sword Class: Swordsman Bio: The Watarimono are a strange and mysterious species of Oni. What is known about the race, however, is that they usually live solitary and isolated from their own and travel far and wide from their home region. They are so rarely seen that there has only ever been one sighted in Igan, this being the lone bladesman Tamotsu himself. The first sighting was from a common farmer four years ago; spotting a strange, unseen Oni walking alone coming from the snowy region in the south and walking into the O-Kuni province. This Oni was tall, slender with two great horns protruding from his head, of which contained one eye, and no mouth. As the Oni walked past, he bared no word, nor gave a glance to the onlooker. He simply walked along the path. The second time word of Tamotsu traveled around was in the Susano territory, at an Izakaya bar. The lone Oni swordsman sat alone with no drink or food ordered. He sat away from the main crowd of regulars and drunkards. It was then that two young ruffians stampeded into the bar and drew swords at a waitress and the barman himself, demanding money. The Watarimono warrior stood up and very casually walked forward towards the two. They paid no attention at first, until Tamotsu’s sword was suddenly unsheathed, a trail of blood trickling down the edge of his Chokuto blade. The robber who held the waitress hostage fell to the ground, his sword clattering beside him. His accomplice spun around, seeing his fallen criminal comrade and dark skinned Oni standing above. The man charged at Tamotsu, aiming to run him through. Calmly, Tamotsu sidestepped and parried the attack, twisting his wrist in a riposte, disarming his opponent. In a mere second, the attacker’s head lolloped and rolled away from his shoulders, and the body slumped above the other. With a flick to rid the criminal’s blood from the blade, Tamotsu sheathed his weapon, and walked away, exiting the bar, without saying a single word. Special Ability: Tamotsu is actually able to communicate telepathically. This power is only people in his vicinity and would talk normal, his voice almost ethereal and echoey. He can also talk in groups, able to communicate with multiple people at a time as if he talked normally. However, as of now, this is the extent of his telepathy.