[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [b]April 10th[/b] The Zellonian delegation at the [b]Foulois Accord[/b] does not--for whatever reason--appear at the conference. After some brief delegation, the conference convenes for the day, and [b]Estalia[/b]'s delegate may speak next. [b]April 11th[/b] The Jouran economist and military theorist Henri Soucal publishes his work [i]What War Takes[/i], an intricate assessment of the [b]Six Great Powers[/b] as well as a hypothetical question of how much each nation could bring to bear if they recruited every eighteen year old male in their nation. As an additive, Soucal added his own Kingdom of Jouran into the equation. [center][img]https://s13.postimg.org/41cxzulpj/Jouranian_Book_001.png[/img] [i]The Six Great Powers and Jouran, from[/i] What War Takes[i], published April, 1910[/i][/center] [b]April 12th[/b] Kascha Heifetz, a ten-year-old violin prodigy, makes his debut at a concert in Hellenzurg in the Tyro-Antarian Empire. [b]April 13th[/b] The Seljuk garrison in Kuzal opens fires on dissenting Muyyad farmers. 31 are wounded, 4 dead. The dissenters scatter for the time being. The Caliph of the Seljuk does not send any additional forces and the garrison there remains at 81 men.