[center][img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/206/9/6/steampunk_bounty_hunter_flag_by_fullmetalvamp-d41nxs1.jpg] [b]GRAAL CONFEDERACY[/b][/center] [b]Official Name:[/b] Graal Confederacy [b]Unofficial Name(s):[/b] Graal [b]Demonym:[/b] Graal [b]Capital System/Planet:[/b] Gruul H'ea [b]Home Region:[/b] Gruul System [b]Head of State:[/b] Gnatar Korgoth [b]Head of Government:[/b] Refer to Above. [b]Head of Military:[/b] Suga Mognosh Lorgoth [b]Population:[/b] 161,000,000,000 Graal, 71,000,000,000 Subjugants (Tallidarans, Hygarans, Skorf). [b]Type of Power:[/b] Intergalactic Military Power. Interstellar Political Influence. [b]Species Description:[/b] The Graal, primarily because of their evolutionary trail from their hot and dry homeworld of [i]Gruul H'ea[/i] have become immensely sturdy, in regards to more mildly designed species. Gravity three times heavier than a normally inhabited world, the Graal's physical growth is naturally stunted and they stand only a meter and a half tall, but because of the binary star system their epidermis is cracked and nearly an inch thick -- enough to ward off otherwise lethal ballistic and low velocity lasers. They are mammals and possess the natural organs to keep that functioning, but the heavy gravity forced additional vertebrates along the thoracic and lumbar sections of the spine, which gives them increased protection from physical harm. Fibrous organelles called [i]Ruks[/i] line the [i]Stratum basale[/i] of the Graal's epidermis. These organelles hold additional water, which began to interact with the body with severe dehydration sets in. This allows the Graal to go weeks without water, and for those who are unaware of these biological evolutions, the Graal seem to never tire, never thirst or feel hunger -- and it is a myth of many war stories of years past. - - - - - - - - - - [b]Type of Government:[/b] Semi-Autonomous Interplanetary Confederacy. [b]Description of Government:[/b] Each planet is autonomous in legislation, immigration and planetary law. Each planet has two representatives from the Confederate Assembly that vie for political power back on the homeworld. One representative usually remains planetside while the other remains on Gruul H'ea. The [i]Gnatar[/i] (Graal word for brain), is an elected representative that exists as a pseudo-Prime Minister for the intergalactic community. [b]Type of Economy:[/b] Five Year Plan Command Economy. [b]Description of Economy:[/b] Every Five Years an immense budget is outlined for the intents and purposes of colonial development, planetary defense and scientific advancement. There is one major deficit that exists in that to alter the plan requires considerable effort and becomes immensely expensive in moving material to and fro solar systems when changes occur. The positive side is that most work becomes streamlined. If developing a small, robust colony is planned, for example -- it is well supplied for at least the next five years. [b]Faction Status:[/b] Police actions in Tallidara, Hyagaran and Skorf Solar Systems. [b]Diplomatic Approach:[/b] Largely militant and belligerent. The Graal respect strength -- and will often attempt to bully a race they encounter until the race stands up for itself, which the Graal respect. [b]Aggressiveness:[/b] The Graal have conquered three other civilizations at this point ([i]See Tallidarans, Hyagarans[/i] and [i]Skorf[/i]) and continue to utilize a belligerent diplomatic attitude. [b]State of War:[/b] -- [b]Tallidaran Police Action[/b]: Following the [i]Tallo-Graal War[/i], the subjugated Tallidarans have largely resisted the Graal's conquest. A ferocious feline species, they have begun a guerrilla war under the name of the [b]Tallidaran Liberation Army[/b] ([i]TLA[/i]). The Graal [i]13th Army[/i], numbering 200,000,000 alongside are combating the Tallidaran Liberation Army. It is a brutal affair that is largely marked as a war of attrition. -- [b]Hyagaran Police Action[/b]: The Hyagaran Police Action is the politically most active and militarily least active. The Hyagarans, a Reptilian like species offered little resistance when their world was invaded, and the planets remain under Graal watch largely to ensure no rebellions spark up while the Graal and Hyagarans socially integrate. -- [b]Skorf Police Action[/b]: The weakest of the three actions required. Approximately 20% of all Skorf have been enslaved and placed into internment camps, and a large majority remain passive -- with honor as a large tenet of their society, they know when they have been defeated. The Skorf boast a puppet government that is pro-Graal. Within a Solar System of four inhabitable planets and over 12,000,000,000 Skorf -- the Graal maintain planetary garrisons numbering 50,000,000 and the Graal [i]3rd Fleet[/i] also anchors here. [b]Allies:[/b] [i]Tallidaran People's Republic[/i] ([i]Puppet Government[/i]), [i]Hyagaran Republic[/i], [i]Skorf Conclave[/i]. [b]Friends:[/b] None. [b]Apathetic:[/b] [b]Redspace Confederacy[/b] [b]Foes:[/b] [i]Tallidaran Liberation Army[/i]. [b]At War:[/b] None. [b]GRAAL NAVY ARCHIVE[/b] -- [b]CALO-CLASS DESTROYER[/b] -- [b]KYVO-CLASS LIGHT CRUISER[/b] -- [b]SHAGATH-CLASS HEAVY CRUISER[/b] -- [b]GORNUG-CLASS BATTLESHIP[/b] -- [b]GNATAR-CLASS DREADNAUGHT[/b] [b]GRAAL ARMY ARCHIVE[/b] [URL=http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/LilTheo2/media/GraalEmpire_zps67201222.png.html][IMG]http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag159/LilTheo2/GraalEmpire_zps67201222.png[/IMG][/URL]