[h1]The Republic of Staratia[/h1] In April , life continued as usual in Staratia , the rural population enjoyed their lifestyle reading the newspapers (every weekend) and books , farming the land and enjoying some minor spectacles and competitions in the local village , however , in the cities this was not the case since in the cities the life continued to become busier and busier , as the industrialization spread on Staratia and the people started to get used to the growing smokestack and dust . As an example of this the protests of the workers in March of this year became known as the "Gustavian Protests" a not so original name but that set up a new precedent in the country , with syndicates gaining more members and control over the working sector that while still, a very small % of the population was important for the industrial production of Staratia. The members of the congress and several ministers have started to set up talks between the syndicates and the new industrialist in the country in order to avoid further problems in the future , nevertheless , there are people that think the talks are just plain and void , essentially useless , is still yet to be seen if this will continue or halt for the time being. In the Diplomatic Stage , the minister of foreign affairs Tiedemann Ernst Königsmann continued the preparations for future talks between Estalia and Staratia regarding the trade tariffs on their strait , as expressed in his own words " This is something that must be done for the improvement of Estalian-Staratians relationships that have maintained cold since 1906" , he expects to send the official message to the Estalian government in November. The Kavonian Denouncement was a small but noteworthy diplomatic move from the Kavonians a small nation that sought to protect peace in the region or at least their own peace by some analyst , Staratia while not having a strong precedent of intervening in foreign affairs besides the Estalian Crisis in 1906 , saw little interest in the matter only willing to send up a diplomatic message to the Kavonian that would set up the position of Staratia in the matter. It said the following. [i]"Us Staratians are glad that Kavonia , a fellow republic , wants to protect the interests of their population from the ever raising armies of nations like Kavonia , yet is true that they have the right to protect their own nation from threats , they should at the least be willing to talk with their neighbouring nations to reach diplomatic solutions for their problems , something that we encourage for all nations in the continent . Because of this reasons we will back you in this incident."[/i]