Lyn was almost happy when Gaignun stopped the caravan, the constant bickering and merrymaking was starting to get on her nerves. But what happened next wasn't exactly what Lyn would of expected, the beast Gaignun moved to help the boy who appeared from the woods before the beasts burst out. Lyn's focus instantly snapped to the beasts and it was clear from Gaingnun's first strike that this would not be a simple fight. She watched as one of the beasts attempted to circle around the group. She pulled on her reigns to charge the beast. The creature Tamotsu had the beast's attention as Lyn approached, giving Lyn a perfect opportunity to attack. She charged forward weapon in hand, but instead of attacking with her Naginata Lyn raised up her left hand. "[color=662d91]Stone Tortoise First Skill: Stone Shell![/color]" she yelled as a stone shell starts to form in front of her and her horse. The shell slammed into the creature and the impact nearly knocked Lyn from her horse but the impact would throw the beast off balance. "[color=662d91]Hit it now! before it can recover![/color]" She yelled out hoping one of the team would take advantage of the slight opening she created.