[quote=Kaalee] If you saw my earlier post, ignore it...I hadn't seen your latest posts...she could have been legitimized but not been named heir to the throne...that has been done in the past, and her character...it doesn't work with someone younger. And you can't take the title of Princess away...not after her father is dead unless her brother did it but that would be on your prerogative Touhoure. And Elizabeth Tudor was the eldest daughter of the last King...King Edward I believe, who married Henry Tudor to end the War of the Roses...she wasn't a bastard but a legitimate heir even though she had younger brothers...and if we're going to be super technical about it...doesn't the line get passed along to the male anyways? Even if she was older it wouldn't have been given to her because she isn't a male. And the King always names the Queen or Queen Regent...doesn't he? [/quote] Actually, Queen Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry the VIII. She was named a bastard because Henry wanted to end things with Anne Boylen at the time and said Elizabeth was the daughter of Anne and one of her many lovers (one of which was rumored to be Anne's brother). BECAUSE KING HENRY couldn't have a male after marrying his slew of wives, he died. The throne then went to Mary (whom was nicknamed Bloody Mary because she wanted all the protestants out of England so she murdered them) who also died. Elizabeth was soon taken in and made Queen. She NEVER married, which was a first for England and so she was the last heir (which is also incorrect, but she is the last living heir) of the Tudor era. I know a LOT about Elizabeth. I also know alot about her mother and why she (and Anne) are such unique people of that time. They are also probably influences for women now. Please don't try to teach me about Elizabeth, The Virgin Queen. I take it personally.