[center][h1] [color=f6989d]Rapunzel [/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr][center][u]Madam Fae's Bar & Diner[/u][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mafc82b4bbe54b844452fa4bdb5183e06o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300[/img][/center][hr] Even as Adam turned back toward the counter to answer her question Rapunzel realized her mistake, catching the look on Ariel's face as she froze mid-word. There she'd gone and done it again, she really needed to keep reminding herself to stop starting multiple conversations at the same time, they only got confusing and tangled after awhile, with everyone forgetting who they were talking to or what they were talking about. Rapunzel couldn't help it though, she just wanted to talk to everyone! At this point she had probably already begun half a dozen conversations that had to be abandoned in order to catch up on work, and she'd felt horrible having to whisk by some of her favorite regulars with hardly more than a 'Good Morning'. Adam was one such regular, but she didn't feel quite as guilty rushing through his coffee order today. On a normal morning he'd have lingered a bit at the counter to chat, much like many of her regulars. When Beauty accompanied him, however, he never lingered long, which was entirely to be expected. Rapunzel would never expect anyone to hang around and share daily chitchat when they were out on a breakfast date with their loved ones. Rapunzel's gaze shifted slightly, gazing over Adam's shoulder toward where Beauty was sitting and acknowledging the woman's request with a nod of her head. "My pleasure ma'am!" Cream and sugar swirled into the dark liquid as she contemplated the pair. Frazzled as she might appear Rapunzel hadn't missed the odd expression that flashed across Adam's face promptly after she'd asked about Beauty's coffee. Then, when Beauty spoke her tone was honeyed and smooth, so sweet it could make a person's teeth ache. It was a tone Mother Gothel used to adopt in order to talk Rapunzel into a submissive state and convince the girl that she knew best and shouldn't be questioned. Something wasn't quite right, but Rapunzel wasn't sure what it could be. Pushing the coffee across the counter she almost asked what was wrong, her gaze shifting between the two as she tried to figure out what it could be. Perhaps an argument that was making things tense? She'd heard that happened between couples now and again. Perhaps some distressing news? The effort to restrain from giving in to curiosity caused a small sigh to escape her lips before she remembered her fingers were still wrapped around the handles of the mugs. Releasing her claim on the coffee she straightened up and offered another bright smile. "There you go, all sweetened. Have a nice day!" [hr] Finally able to focus on a single conversation Rapunzel swiveled around to Ariel, a beaming grin stretching across her face as she lifted a finger to indicate she'd be back in a second. Normal diner sounds and scents filled the place as she disappeared into the kitchen; clatter of pans in the kitchen, quiet murmuring of customers conversing over their breakfast; cloying sweetness of maple syrup mingling with spicy sausage; the clink of silverware against plates; the sound of chilly wind whistling faintly outside. "Here you go!" Reappearing once more Rapunzel carefully set down a piping hot mug of creamy hot chocolate, topped with a billowing cloud of soft whipped cream and a sprinkle of chocolate chips. "Not a speck of coffee in there at all, though if you wanted I could accidentally spill some into your cup." A mischievous grin followed the statement. "So," Leaning against the counter and dropping her voice, Rapunzel's gaze swept the diner before focusing on her friend. "What went on this morning? My landlady said there had been a storm, but that doesn't usually bring everyone out this early. Was it really bad?" Rapunzel was probably the only person that had slept through the entire events of the morning, and hadn't slowed down long enough to properly figure out what had happened during the early hours of the morning. Now that she felt she'd caught up a little bit it was time to try piece together bits of information that she knew she was missing. "Did something happen?" Not only had she slept through the storm, but the electricity shorting out had also effectively fried her battered little cellphone.