[quote=@Arawak] With the time passed since the extinction event have they returned to being genetically heterogenous or is there a reason for continued genetic homogeny? Also is there any system to enforce having the same personality or are they heterogenous when it comes to personality? [/quote] They're still all genetically identical. Not for any particular reason other than the fact that by this point it's just simply the way things are done. Changing up the DNA wouldn't really serve any practical purpose, since that'd already been done in order to screen out any major genetic diseases or genetic predispositions to major illnesses (not that there were too many in the first place; they chose some random secretary because she didn't really have either of those things). So it'd just be effort for nothing. And the thought of creating men and moving away from cloning was shut down, since the cloning works much better than allowing everybody to just have kids. And they are very heterogeneous in term of personality. Freedom of choice, expression, and individuality is extremely important in their society. The first clones were actually created as experimental test subjects in a biological research lab/bunker until the clones staged an uprising and butchered almost everyone living there. That last bit isn't something they're proud of. But the importance of individuality was impressed upon them from the beginning of their society because of the fact that they'd been treated as expendable, replaceable, faceless test subjects.