[quote=@Kafka Komedy] This looks pretty damn cool. Should my schedule be free enough, I'll be joining for sure. Would you mind giving some examples of Biomods, though? Thinking about characters and wanted to see what you meant by that. [/quote] I'll be co-hosting this game, and came up with the game together with BC, so I can answer your question. Biomods are basically body modifications that are biological or organic in nature. For example, replacing your arms with a pair of new arms that have web spinners in the hands, allowing you to imitate Spider-Man. Another example would be a bony exoskeleton grafted onto your skin, which can receive nutrients from your bloodstream to repair itself. Such biomods are used mostly by chimeras, since their already superhuman constitutions are required to adapt to the biomods and make them function properly; this allows them to fight on par with the humans' advanced mechanical weaponry. On the other hand, in most cases only humans can install cybernetic modifications to themselves, and not chimeras, since the physiology of humans is much more thoroughly understood than that of chimeras.