[centre][b]Adelai Niska; Nar Shadaa; Down Below; A poor excuse for a Warehouse.[/b][/centre] Crow smiled as he looked at the warehouse. He stood with fourteen of his Murdermen in front of the Warehouse, four others were a short run away on their Murdercycles and Crow was supremely confident as he hefted his Blaster Cannon. Roda Kol had been tracked here by Niska's intelligence people. The scum and his band of petty fuckups had deigned to steal a number of customers valuables during their time at the Skyplex and it's black market. The Syndicate had been upset at the request to track thieves hiding on their turf, but Niska had made his displeasure clear that they might be shielding them. Eventually they acquiesced. "On my word. Storm the building. Kill everyone." Crow barked and his men perked up. They were an odd collection. Mismatched, but no less effective, armour. Tattoos, scars, psychological problems that'd keep a shrink employed for life. Even their weapons were an eclectic mix, but a powerful one, concussion rifles, flamethrowers, a pair of mer-sonn rocket launchers and one man who proudly toted a rotary blaster cannon he'd taken from a clones cold dead hands, a fact he backed up with evidence, the preserved hands on a necklace around his throat. The mutter of approval and evil laughter appeased Crow's sense of the Dramatic. "Well, what are you scabs waiting for. Bring this goddamned Bantha-shites building down!" Crow began firing his Blaster Cannon, the design revised by Niska's arms factory and brought up to slightly higher than modern standards. The warehouse's run down door failed almost instantly under the onslaught as his murdermen opened up on the warehouse. "Advance!" Crow called and he began to stride forwards his cannon firing every step he took. He keyed a voice modulator booster on his shoulder with a muscle spasm. "KNOCK KNOCK MOTHERFUCKERS!" He called out with glee. Fire from within the warehouse began moments later, and yet it was sporadic, the heavy fire being poured into the building by the Murdermen disinclining most of the theives from sticking their necks out. The gang was larger than Niska's little strike squad but possessed of much lower skill and even lower courage. As such the firefight didn't last long and soon the warehouse was burning thoroughly. Crow stood over the survivors who'd decided surrendering was preferable. And he was not impressed. For one, the main target wasn't here. "Where is your boss?" Crow demanded. "The first person to tell me the truth gets a nice quick and probably painless death." "Or what, you'll let us live." One of the more courageous thieves remarked as Niska's men began loading the Debt Collector with the stolen properties. "The person to tell me the truth gets a nice quick and probably painless death, people like you, there won't be anything quick or painless about it. On that you have my oath as Murderer in Chief." Crows words bored into the cowering fellow before him. "He's on the way!" One of them said. "Using a speeder." Crow turned and searched the mans eyes. "Close your eyes. You don't want to see this coming." He held up his Blaster Cannon and blew the mans head off. "Get out the Murdercycles, chain this rabble to them." Crow ordered. "And prepare the Debt Collector for business." --- Roda Kol slowed his speeder as he approached his warehouse with something approaching, and surpassing, horror. There it was burning... all his hard work and effort gone to... "Sir, uhm..." Roda looked at where his driver was pointing and saw them. The six evil looking wheeled motorbikes, and more importantly, the cannons pointed his way. "Get us out of here!" His driver hauled the speeder about and slammed the throttles forward cursing his boss's cheap ass ways. This model speeder had a height limiter on it and was only designed to haul cargo from the spaceport to the warehouse. And so now a bunch of wheeled yahoos couldn't be avoided with simple altitude. --- The five murdermen on bikes cheered as they saw the target haul ass and Crow took his place on one of the bikes. The lout from earlier who'd questioned him chained to its rear end. He gunned the throttle and let off the clutch the bike screaming off after the speeder followed by the screaming man being dragged behind his murdercycle. The other murdercycles moments behind. The locals cleared the streets in a wave in advance of the speeding vehicles and gawping faces as the wheeled vehicles pursued the speeder through the street. Whoever the driver was Crow couldn't help but admit the man had some talent. Depressing the trigger studs as he closed on the speeder the small flak cannons opened up. The bike recoiled with their power slowing him slightly. The Speeder recoiled much more significantly as its rear end was absolutely shredded. It dropped to the ground and screamed along the road for nearly a hundred metres before coming to a stop with Crow and his Murdermen pulling up around it dragging their hamburger meat behind them. Roda clambered out of the Speeder's passenger side door and looked back in horror at his Speeder, then the men surrounding it. ".... you..." He said looking at Crow. Remembering the Gruff operative from Niska's skyplex. The word surrounding him was one of horror and here he was... he'd known that robbing Niska's station would be a career ender in his gut, but his men and greed had won him over. Now... His introspection ended when suddenly Crow was in his face and stunning him with a holdout stunner. "Kill anyone in the speeder." He ordered and dumped his prisoner onto the bike taking off for the landing pad where the Debt Collector was landed. --- Roda Kol awoke in pain finding himself suspended in the air and holding something to keep him up. He blinked away tears and tried to realise where he was and discovered, once he did, that he would really really rather not have known. He found himself starting at the top side of a light turbolaser on the Debt Collector. It took him all of a few moments to realise he was tied to the weapon's barrel's business end. Crow was on the landing platform where he could see looking up at him. He saw several recording devices as well. "Welcome to the last moments of your life Roda Kol, you made a grave mistake trying to rob the Skyplex." Crow said as he ate some apple that he was shaving bits off with a knife. "Fatal mistake in fact. But don't be disheartened." Crow said mockingly. "Even though your life amounted to nothing, you can die in peace knowing that, after all is said and done that you really can continue on as an example to others. Any last requests?" "A good meal and an hour with a pair of the finest Twi'lek twins you can find?" Roda remarked with a grin. "Interesting. Prepare to fire." Crow said with a smile. "Wait! What about my last requests?" Roda said hopefully. "I was curious, I asked if you had any, I didn't say i'd grant them." Crow replied. "Fire." The Turbolaser blast right into the chest of someone strapped to the barrel meant that pretty much every part of Roda in front of the weapon simply ceased to be, blasted beyond oblivion by a weapon designed to challenge enemy fighters, bombers and very light capital ships. What was left fell to the ground smoking as Crow walked up the ramp into the Debt Collector. "Take us back to the Just Another Customer, from there back to the Skyplex. Job's done here." Crow said with finality. --- [centre][b]Skyplex Station; Charros VIII Orbit; Throne Room.[/b][/centre] Niska sat studying his quarterly report with great interest as he watched the numbers play, it had been an excellent year, one of expansion and power. He'd acquired a moon here in the Charros system with a decent number of holdings and a pliant, obedient, population, the skyplex had been expanded and now served as a full scale black market and Niska's own fleet of ships had grown. The Brazen Move, a good dreadnought that he'd secured served as the primary defence ship for Niska's holdings here in the Charros system. The base hidden in the Onderon System was well concealed and well defended and he had contracts with the Syndicate to provide some Battle Droids and some private buyers for some 'faux YT-1300' craft, from his understanding of the specs they were well designed dummies to fake some insurance claims with. There was a tap at the door and Niska didn't take his eyes off of the reports. "Enter" Niska said tapping his glasses. One of the IG-100 Magnaguards opened the door and Benno Nuu shuffled in. The Ithorian was still nervous whenever he was face to face with his new master and wished he'd stop insisting on face to face meetings. "You asked for me Sir?" Benno asked. He'd learned very early on that Niska hated being called Master. Though he was 'associated' with the Sith, it seemed that it was only their powers that Niska adopted, he lacked any of their philosophies, power was just a tool to amass wealth. "I have a job for you. I want you to take [i]It's One of Ours Sir[/i] and head for the Zygerria System. Make contact with the Slavers there, open a dialog and let them know that i'm hoping to do business with them in the near future, that I plan on acquiring a select stock of Wookiees that they might be interested in setting up an auction, usual auction terms, they get 15% commissions on the sales, we provide the products and get the bulk of the profits." Niska said plainly without looking up. "You're dismissed, as soon as possible." "Yes sir." Benno nodded and left. It was probably the only good thing about working for a criminal like Niska. The pay was above average and did sometimes earn commissions. R4-V3-N entered behind Benno's leaving form. "Sir. Did I hear right. You plan a raid expedition to Kashyyyk?" "Correct. But subtle. I want to prepare the Solid Reputation's Assault Ships and the [i]Unexpected Resistance[/i] I will be commanding the raid. But I want you to command the Solid Reputation and Forget Pacifism, you're to wait five minutes out of the system, Kashyyyk is a Warzone and I want backup ready if necessary. Am I clear?" Niska said as he looked at the Command Droid. It nodded instantly in response. "Yes sir." It left to make the two ships now under its command, for now, ready to make way. It was a slave raid then.