[B]Francis Bertrand[/B] The use of the missile as a distraction was a creative tactic, but despite its effectiveness in stalling Lumen 1's Rook temporarily, the follow-up 'leap' by Henry failed to take advantage of the older pilot's temporary loss of visual contact. A sneak attack required speed and precision, but he had been too far away, too slow in taking action, when his thrusters pushed him upwards. Attacking while Bertrand was inconvenienced was not a bad plan, but the execution had been lacking. The safe distance between him and his missile was not one that allowed for easily sneaking up on someone, and without launching an attack during those brief moments that his opponent couldn't react, the action was unfortunately wasted. Indeed, by the time Henry had moved into position, Lumen 1 had already recovered, accelerating through the cloud with a burst of speed to close the distance between them once again. His beam saber had been ignited in those precious seconds, and was now in range to stab forth towards Henry's chest.