[b][color=2e3192]Sombra: Olympus[/color][/b] Sombra pulled her attention away from the mortal realms for a moment when she detected some prolonged movement near her. She thought it, and she was there, looking upon herself, and the room of Valhalla. It did not seem much more of the gods had arrived. There were only two other’s it seems. The lord of madness in the flesh had taken residence near her throne. She smiled…. only to realize she still had the whole mango in her jaws. So she kicked back her head and swallowed the fruit whole. A glance to the side, had revealed what had drawn her attention away from the mortal she was watching. It appears the snake goddess had also arrived. She couldn’t speak or make an audible sound, but she did have a few kind gestures that she could make. The goddess stood from her throne, and bounded into the other’s lap. She found her way to the center of the coils and made herself comfortable. It took very little effort on her part to split her focus, once again locating and watching Reeva Pewterarm. [hr] [color=ed1c24]Reeva: Mortal Realm: Some bog[/color] The path to the bogeyman was one that was painted with red. Shallow – ankle high murkey water acted as the cobble stones of a long winding road. The silt and muck clouded it, preventing the woman from seeing more than an inch. But every now and then she’d kick against something that felt more solid than a branch. And rarely, one kick would surface a humanoid's rib cage or femur. Small skeletons were strewn across the ground like a bread crumb trail. Reeva stopped for a moment to lift a skull and closely examine it.The bone was a mixture of black and red in hue. The black coloring easily scraped off like a goop to reveal some lighter hints of red underneath. The body part was small with a crack running from the eye socket to the cranium. The teeth hadn't even matured yet, and some were missing. Definitely a child’s, would explain the missing children. It appears she won't be able to get back those that disappeared in the nights before. She tilted it a bit, and spotted some signs of flesh left inside the skull. Maggots writhed and fell out of the various holes. The body didn’t decay naturally. Either some bugs got to it, or whatever it was she got to kill. This was already on the start of a -fantastic- evening. The further she followed the path marked by the children’s map… the stranger things became. There were no sounds of bird calls. No rustling in the distance. The wind grew still. The air grew dank. And a thick fog became visible. It wasn’t longer before she was in it. The water was no longer runny, but became thick and congealed with a black and crimson substance. The color in the environment disappeared, and the contrast in the lighting had changed severely, magnifying the intensity of the sun, but increasing the depth of shadows. Then there it stood. A creature born from the nightmares of children and turned real by some unknown force. It stood, looming in great height staring down to the sergal. Eyes unseen, and it's grin was magnificent. If magnificent was even the proper word to use for such a demon. The sergal inhaled deeply. Her eyes starting at the creature’s feet, and slowly rising with the aid of her head tilting back to look it in the…. massive skin boiling grin. “…Bogeyman?” The sergal called out. She mentally cursed herself even further for taking the job and going through with it. The creature nodded. Its shoulder’s heaved in a silent laugh. “Oh… fantastic… alright then… you know why I am here.” she sighed. Her right hand lowered to the hilt of her long sword, which was held by the blade in her left hand. She flipped the blade and brought it bare in front of her. Both set of claws on the hilt, and the guard brought close to her hips. Her stance was low enough that one of her knees was early touching the water. Her mind began processing the various pictures she saw on the back of the page. Many of which were strange. Children covering their eyes... not looking at the creature. Children illuminating the shadows. Or children counting to ten while hiding. The massive creature bowed, removing what must have been a hat, and spun its cane by his side. When it looked up, the Sergal felt her blood run cold, and the world turn to some dark twisted reality. She was no longer standing in the bog. But in some far off void. Where reality did not touch, and the rules of physics were quite vague. Swarms of indescribable horrors flew over head. And as for the bogeyman... well he was dancing joyfully in circles around the female. And breaking the quiet... was a soft jingling sound. A song... made by bells first... then violins... and the voices of departed children. It was more of a funeral refrain than a song for dancing... and yet that was what he did. Definitely a long... fantastic evening. [hr] [b][color=2e3192]Sombra: Olympus[/color][/b] Sombra looked up when she heard the voice of Dorrhammus. His intentions... seemed all over the place. First he seemed hostile. Then dormant. Then passive aggressive. Then accepting. Then inquisitive. What a strange batch of emotions to display in only a few seconds.