[center][@Momolinia32][@solidsneek][@ladyanglaise][@Lady Athena][@GhengisRawn][@Capra][@Capra][@HarleyQueen][/center] Right so! I need to be frank about a couple things because it's unfair for me to leave you all hanging. I hope you won't think any less of me for what I'm about to say. I've been speaking to some really old roleplay friends recently whom I used to RP with back in 2010. The idea has been expanded considarably and I think I'd love to give it a smash with them off site. While it is possible that it might end up being on RPGuild, it is unlikely, due to PM constraints here (though the other site has been experiencing frustrating img issues, so). If it does I'll be putting up a new int. check in Casual as the idea has become very different. If this were to happen, I am happy to ping all of you to see if the elaborated idea is of interest to you. Because of this this Int. check will not be making it to RP Status, but if anyone would like to take the idea and run with it I give my full 100% complete permission. I thought it would be better to be honest with you about where I'm at with this idea then string you all along. I understand if you are dissapointed in me as this course of action, but honestly I really do miss my old RP buddies, so I hope you will understand <3 Either way, you have every right to be upset, but again - if anyone would like to take over this version of the idea I support them 100%!