[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][hr] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore] [@rivaan] [@Morose] [@Charnobylisk] - Lyon looks towards Ed and rolls his eyes and tells him, "Ahh, alors vous ĂȘtes un expert en anglais?" (Ahh, then you are an expert in English?) Lyon looks over towards Lana and then Amelia and speaks in plain English. "You are not slaves but that fucking moron might end up being by the end of the day if he keeps running his mouth. How desperate for a meatshield were you two to pick him up?" he asked. Beni chuckles as they rev of the vehicles and take off through the forest. Avoiding the walkers as they can and killing those they can't. The medic looks over to Tiffany and nods slightly. "He will live, the chop is rough but I think it will be okay. We can better fix him up when we get to safety," he says in a reassuring voice. He wasn't sure if the man would live, he was teetering between the line but right then he was stable. The medic was able to better tied off the tourniquet and gave him a dose of morphine for the pain and to calm him. Not much but it was enough for now. [@Caits] [@Sigil] [@Nallore] [@Charnobylisk] - The kids make it to the infirmary and are taking direction well. The com can be heard coming through with Ash asking for a report. It crackles as various posts check in - "We can't see anything boss." "We have at least 3 fatalities." "Zoie was hit." "We have the Russians, the couple and Sophia safely within the Mesh Hall." - Astrid hurries out of the Operating Room, covered in blood as she moves quickly and silently towards the refrigerator, retrieving more units of blood and going back in. As the door swing it can be seen that Froggy is attempting to keep Zoie alive, Richard standing there holding her hand and then the sound of a flatline rings out over the monitor before the doors close fully. [@Sigil] [@Nallore] [@Morose] - Tatiana doesn't like the fact that this is the second attack on the place within the month. She swallowed hard but took Jack's hand as she pushed into the inner wall, ducking down low; still very afraid that more shots will come in. Tom is in the armory and has the planned out gear laid out and ready to go, his pistol drawn as people enter but keeping it low for now. The escorts weave through the buildings, keeping the group as covered as possible until they reach the mess hall and Miss Sally opens the door to let Sophia be wheeled in by Bazhooli, looking at him oddly. Once inside Tatiana began to shake violently and buried her head against Jack's chest. They were out of immediate danger it seemed, her nerves set back in full force.