Erisbili was in a fine mood; he rarely received compliments and praises from the other deities. And Dormammus of all Gods had just complimented his abilities and powers, even stating how The Outsider managed to "best" him in certain areas of magic. This pleased The Outsider to the point where he momentarily forgot about The Serpent's minions' insolent behavior towards him. Erisbili even considered for a brief second of acting humble and returning the compliment to the God of Sorcery before a small whisper in his head stopped him from committing such atrocity. Yes, this was all immensely pleasing to The Laughing God. However, the last word spoken from the Great Conjurer ruined his train of warm thoughts. The Stranger's smile froze on his face as his eyes flashed into a pale golden color. "Mischief...?" The air was silent about Lord Madness now. His usual cacophony of noise gone like it never existed before. As if the lone candle in the dark room had been blown out by a cold gust of wind. The Stranger's voice tone changed to that of a deep, vibrating one. His cloak shook and trembled at every word, his once lush and comfortable chair was now resembling more of an empty pit of spiraling nothingness. Master of Illusions sat up straight and stared straight into Dormammus' eyes, as if he believed madness could be spread infectiously through mere eye contact. It was all too clear he was greatly offended. An empty sound of a clanging chalice dropped from his hand was all that decorated that background of his voice now. "Now," he chuckled deeply, without a hint of amusement. "that's funny. [i]Conjurer.[/i]" He dragged out the last word, making it sound like a screeching noise of a hell-spawn. "You dare think... that..." The Stranger contracted his body, like a coiled snake getting ready to spring out at its prey. [h1]"MADNESS IS SOME MISCHIEF!"[/h1] His voice rang across the room. It was not a scream, nor a shriek, nor a cry. It was madness incarnate. Madness that came from rage and anger. Of disgust and hate. The most fiery kind of all. The Outsider loved all forms of madness. And this particular one was one of his favorites. He thundered. He shook. He trembled. Insanity consumed him and his mind. His voice. His actions. His fate. His existence.