[h3][color=a36209]Abraham Gene[/color] [sub]... and a stranger.[/sub][/h3][hr][hider="No Cities Left" - The Dears][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQc4vsBeoek[/youtube][/hider][hr] Abe found a hotel that night. Not one of a chain, but a local one that was owned by one of the city's elite class. It was a towering suite in the downtown sect of Baybridge's districts. The floors were made of porcelain, crystalline chandeliers were hung from the ceiling, and suited ushers carrying his things to his room for him. The room he bought was furnished with scarlet carpeting, a king sized beds with countless pillows and thick sheets. Wine and glasses sat beside the bed, and along with it, a variety of services such as room phones and internet and television - there was probably an escort line in here, but paying for sex was a classless act to do in Abe's book, especially if he could just as easily pick somebody up. Blocked by sliding glass doors, it was on the balcony of that room where Abe stood, overlooking the busy streets of Baybridge as he had a phone pressed up to the side of his head. "Cassowary reporting in." "Has Cassowary infiltrated RAVEN yet?" Inquired the voice on the other side. Their voice was feminine, and were one of the few contacts that were able to relay the information to the boss-man in charge. "Not yet. Bureaucracy is getting in the way. But I've got a friend inside that can probably cut some of the red tape out of my way, and I've got some events lined up for me to get in nice and cozy with the big wigs. Expect me to be handing out the orders [i]in no time.[/i]" "That is good. Your friend is Blackmore, yes? Record says you went to the academy with him, and his late father died in Verthaven seven years ago in the service of NEST-sanctioned RAVEN. A recommendation from that legacy may go a long way." "Just as I had thought." Abe asserted. "And what of the events you have in mind?" She asked. "You aren't my [i]only[/i] information broker." Abe answered smugly. "I have about as many contacts connected to my father. One of his business partners has a link to... an old colleague of mine." "Serpent." Abe's face froze in a look of stun, and paused in a brief moment of silence. They continued. "We did all kinds of homework on you, Cassowary. We know that Serpent has a closer connection to you than [i]just[/i] through your father." "So, you did know..." Abe chuckled uncomfortably. "Yes, we're also aware that there's a birthday on the 'morrow. If you're suggesting that you plan on attending a party to gain leverage on Serpent and secure your chances in infiltrating RAVEN, then that is an excellent idea that I would personally endorse. You may relax tonight, I'm signing you in to your party personally." "Oh. Well, that's good then!" Abe replied. "Just one thing, Cassowary. Once you get into RAVEN, try to avoid their high security cells. If Ignatius identifies you, your cover will be blown. Magus does not mind your arrogance in slighting our intelligence, but he [i]would[/i] be very displeased to hear about your failure. He was tentative about letting a stranger such as yourself be given this mission in the stead of his top agent, but I find that the ability to talk would be crucial here. Try not to give him a reason for him to send the Nightengale after you." "I'd like to see her try!" Abe refuted, now all fired up at the suggestion of [i]the Nightengale[/i] taking [i]him[/i] down. "End of report, Cassowary?" Abe ended the call right at that point and marched inside his hotel room, throwing the phone at the cushioned bed. That certainly wasn't the conversation he was picturing in his head! He wanted to make it clear to his employers that he was efficient, and was able to hold one over their heads. That he had power in his hands that they had no control over - but [i]no[/i], that wasn't the case. They had a mural of the entire picture on their walls, detailed and articulated, far beyond what Abe had at his disposal. The realization that they didn't need [i]him[/i] so much as they needed a pair of boots on the ground was clear now, and it was infuriating. As it were, they didn't even believe he was the best option they had at their disposal! The Nightengale, bah! She wasn't so tough. If they weren't paying him so much, he might jump ship on this cruise. But... nobody before them were able him to assign such [i]fun[/i] assignments. He'd just have to hold out for now and prove his worth. A bottle of wine sat at the nightstand beside his bed, next to two glasses. Latricieres Chambertin Domaine Leroy... or whatever the fuck. Wine wasn't really his style, but God, he could use something to make the night go by a little quicker. He poured the glass with a steady hand, and walked the expensive wine back to balcony that overlooked the city. Black night, lit up by dots of street lights and cars. Taking a sip, and letting the strong, smooth flavor wash over his tongue. He turned around and looked into his room and sighed. "Could use a couple more women in here." He walked back inside and picked up the hotel room's phone. Before dialing any of the numbers, he downed the rest of the glass and flung it towards the bathroom, where the dainty glass immediately shattered and collected in the bathtub. In its stead, he picked up the whole bottle itself. "Hello. I'd like to schedule a valet for a meeting I must attend tomorrow. Yes... the Liu Estate. Excellent, have a wonderful night!" He hung up the phone, and just as soon, lifted the bottle and took a couple chugs of wine before laying his back down on the bed. "To me!" He declared, raising the bottle in a toast in an empty room. "And not getting laid in a giant bed tonight, and drinking a two grand bottle of wine alone! Traveling with your job [i]sucks.[/i]"