I made a thing. [hider=God] Title: The Wise-man Appearance: Domain: Wisdom, Advancement, Balance Alignment: Good Personality: The Wise-Man is a fairly passive god. He is proud of his race but believes in their self sufficiency. Symbol: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8FuLU_wXwhs/TDDyf-hV0kI/AAAAAAAAAHY/xYQbiCr-gSk/s1600/wise+man.jpg[/img] Method of Worship: The Wise-Man desires little in the form of worship. Three times a day for reflection and meditation. Race he made: Muliods [/hider] [Hider=Race] Race Name : Muliods Description: Muliods are large than humans on average, the shorter ones standing at 6 feet and the largest at 9 feet when adults. They are humanoid in appearance, with the exception of an additional pair of arms, about in between the shoulders and the waist. This extra pair of arms is slighter smaller and used for tasks requiring finesse or polite gestures. The larger, significantly stronger upper arms, are used for hard work, though both sets of arm may be used simultaneously. Their skin pigment is a dark green generally associated with that of orcs, though naturally the color varies slightly from individual to individual. Strengths: Muliods are naturally large and powerful, in addition to an extra set of arms that allows them to do many things faster and more effectively. Weaknesses: Muliods have require more food then an equally portioned race to run their strong, multi limbed, bodies. Economy/Industry : Muliods rely primarily on agriculture, though they have some skill in the finer arts and tool making. [u]Buildings[/u] Nusury: A fairly large building near the center of any group of Muliod buildings. It's made out of wood and mud and partly underground. Council Room: Perhaps the largest building, it is a large circular room with a stone table at the middle where the tribe leader and his council meet. Farms: Surprisingly large plots of land dedicated to farming of various crops. Each of these has a storehouse close to it. Additionally some Muliod keep smaller farms by their houses. Trial Stones: A set of small stone tables that allow Muliod's to arm wrestle with both arms simultaneously. Method of making more of their kind : Mammals [/hider]