[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmI1MzA0ZC5VM1Z5Y0hKcGMyVWdKaUJEYjJsdVkybGtaVzVqWlEsLC4w/requited-script-demo.regular.png[/img] [h2][color=limegreen]Kyle[/color], [color=magenta]Ashton[/color], & [color=FFF5D7] Amaya[/color] || Ashton & Amaya’s Apartment[/h2] [sub][@BeastofDestiny], [@Silver Fox], & [@Knight of Doom][/sub] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dwZXUAC.png?1[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/Oz76KFT.png?1[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/s1ibVrX.png[/img][/center] [hr] Bright sunlight managed to hit the sleeping female right on her closed eyelids. Her conscious began to surface from deep sleep. Amaya slowly turned to her side, trying to hide her face from the uncomfortable light. She brought her arm up to cover her eyes as well. A moment passed before she came to the realization that she was not going back to sleep. A soft groan left her lips, cracking from the lack of use. Slightly annoyed at not being asleep, the blonde sat up. She looked around the bedroom to find her clothes from last night strewn on the floor. Amaya got up to throw them in the basket filled with other dirty laundry. She glanced at the clock, to realized that she still had a surprising amount of time before she even went to orientation at the college. That is, if she even decided to go. Feeling more relaxed, the sleepy girl headed towards the bathroom to brush her teeth and straighten out her messy hair. For a moment, she stared at herself in the mirror. She still wore her pajamas which consisted of a large white t-shirt and underwear. Her blue eyes looked back at her, bleary from the odd sleeping schedule. It dawned upon her that she had actually gotten a date last night. A smile broke out on her face despite her will, and her mind instantly became awake. Amaya began getting herself presentable as she thought over last night’s event and tonight’s plans. What was she going to wear? Was this a more formal date or simply a ‘hangout’ date? What if she misinterpreted his meaning of date? Now restless, the blonde had finished her morning maintenance and headed to the kitchen to get herself some breakfast. Striding along, Ashton’s eyes excitedly looked around. Amethyst gaze flicking about as she tried pinpointing their destination. Course, with the helpful assistance of Kyle’s smartphone, they managed to make it the area she did recognize. In which case was in front of her house. It was a small but cozy little home. Roomie enough for a few people, a nice garden displayed in the front for all to gaze upon their beauty. The tall blonde of course dashed to the door, cheerfully rummaging through her pocket to dig out a pair of keys. Cheerfully unlocking the door before opening it. Of course, before she stepped through it, her left hand raised up to the door and loudly knocked her knuckles against the firm wood. Indicating that she was home so she didn’t scare her roommate or anything. Ashton was fairly sure Amaya probably would be home, but she couldn’t be quite sure. Girls often went hanging out right? Was that a thing? Still though, she stepped inside and glanced to Kyle with a cheerful smile, gently bowing in appreciation of being guided safely home. Their journey to Ashton’s house wasn’t a long one, and though it took a while, they finally came upon a place she recognized. He walked the tall blonde to her front door and as Ashton bowed in thanks, Kyle reciprocated. [color=limegreen]”It’s not a big deal Ash,”[/color] he smiled, [color=limegreen]”I’m just glad we found your way back home, would’ve bothered me if I just left you to your own devices. I suppose I’ll see you arou-”[/color] A loud buzz emitted from his phone and he went to check it. An email from the landlord? Opening the message and reading it his face visibly soured. Turned out that the water was off in his building, some kind of leakage and apologies for the inconvenience. Kyle groaned a little, it wasn’t like his building was run down or anything, but that definitely dampered his plans of getting clean, how else was he going to wash off the soot? He paused for a moment before looking back to Ashton, would he dare ask? [color=limegreen]”Hey um...I hate to ask since you’ve already done so much for me but...my building’s water is off...any chance I could use your bathroom or sink? You should use it first but…”[/color] He was obviously uncomfortable asking this, but he wasn’t really sure who else to go to. Tilting her head the side as Kyle smiled in return before answering his phone as it made a buzzing sound. Her smile slightly turned into a frown as he seemed to get a bit down for some reason. Awe, she didn’t want him to be down or anything! He had to be happy! For that date of his! Somehow she’d have to find a way to cheer him up with whatever problem he had. Kyle soon gave a solution though as he seemed to uncomfortably request to use her bathroom. The tall boyish blonde of course gleefully nodded, grabbing his arm before eagerly dragging him through the door and into the house. Apparently still very eager to help this new friend she just met not too long ago. Amethyst eyes blinked and flicked toward a sound in the kitchen, and noticed Amaya. Simply beaming at the sight of her roommate, Ashton moved behind Kyle and pushed him towards the bathroom door. Making a shooing motion with her hands, indicating it was fine he went first. Ashton was used to being dirty. It was almost a 24/7 thing that came with the job. Soon she thundered over to Amaya, smiling happily as she held out the bouquet of white lilies to the much prettier blonde. Hoping the girl loved them. Upon hearing the knock, Amaya began to dry her hands on a nearby towel. She had been making pancakes, so her hands had been a bit sticky. However, by the time she got done with that, the front door opened. It seemed as though it was just Ashton returning home. Realizing that she wasn’t needed to open the door, the blonde turned back towards her cooking, hoping to get done soon, so her roommate could eat some as well. As she was cooking, though, she couldn’t help but hear another voice. Was there someone else here as well? That would mean that she’d have to cook even more pancakes. Amaya had to grab another bowl to make another batch of pancakes. It was probably for the best though since Ashton tended to eat a lot after work. It wasn’t until she caught a plume of white in her peripheral vision that she turned to see the bouquet of flowers that were presented to her. The shorter girl looked up to see her roommate beaming at her. She wasn’t exactly sure what the flowers were for though. Maybe to decorate the apartment? [color=FFF5D7]“Those are very pretty, did you get them for decoration?”[/color] She flashed a smile before checking to see if the pancake was ready to flip. If this was an anime, there would probably be sparkles or hearts floating around the firefighters head, only to drop to the floor with a thunk at the question. It reminded her, that not talking did have its limitations. It was difficult to explain the reason without saying anything. Thinking for a moment, the firefighter gingerly parted her lips, as if to try and say something. But she only felt her throat clench tightly and she just ended up cover her mouth her free arm and coughed. Deciding not to try any further, the tall blonde still gave her cheery smiled and shuffled her feet in a shy manner and shook her head. Gingerly pointing them at her, but Ashton did set the bouquet in a empty vase on the kitchen table. Despite wanting to say things like ‘For being a lovely roommate’ or ‘A great friend’ or ‘I’m glad we met’ or just ‘thank you so much! You are beautiful in more ways than one!’ Ashton still couldn’t unless she wrote it out. If she did that though, it didn’t really feel as special. So she just left it that. Soon her amethyst eyes did eye the pancakes, sparkling and dazzling. Obviously, she was hungry. And she couldn’t deny she ate a lot. Either due to her size or just because she burnt so many calories on a daily basis. Still, she smiled happily and hopefully, face beaming like a puppy asking ‘can I have some too?’ It took a moment before Amaya finally realized what Ashton was trying to convey. Her demeanor seemed a bit dejected at the question, and she shook her head. So obviously her guess was wrong. It wasn’t until she pointed at her did the oblivious girl realize that the flowers were for her. [color=FFF5D7]“For me?”[/color] She asked a bit incredulously. Had she done something to earn such a gift? There was nothing that really came to mind, but perhaps she had forgotten it or done something unconsciously. [color=FFF5D7]“Thank you!”[/color] Amaya said genuinely. If her hands weren’t so occupied and dirty, she would have hugged the taller girl. She just might have to later. Ashton seemed to have eyed the pancakes and was now looking at her with doe-like amethyst eyes. It didn’t take a genius to interpret that. [color=FFF5D7]“You have to wait until it’s all done. By the way, didn’t you have a guest? Where did they go? I started to make extra for them.”[/color] Amaya looked around to see no one in the kitchen with them. She was a bit confused. It was possible that the guest hadn’t come in, but then she would have make the extra pancakes for nothing. Kyle was, quite forcibly, dragged into the house with Ashton and it took all his concentration and willpower to not drop the freaking flowers on the floor or stairs. As they entered the upstairs Kyle couldn’t help but note the amazing smell wafting in from the kitchen, was someone else here? Whoever it was would have to wait though as something got the tall blonde really excited as he was shoved into the bathroom before the giant woman gleefully made her way into the kitchen. Confused, but appreciative he closed the bathroom door behind him and gingerly set the bouquet down on the bathroom sink. Immediately he turned on the water using his clean hand, nothing too warm, nothing too cold. He first washed his hands, letting the black soot flow down the drain and soaping up his hands to get them clean, hm...lavender. He shrugged to himself then got to cleaning the dirt off his face, splashing water into it before he realized, [color=limegreen][i]’Crap! I forgot my glasses.’[/i][/color] The thought permeated through his mind, the young male suddenly remembering that he dropped them when Ashton pulled him into a bear hug on the bench earlier. Sighing, he wasn’t truly bothered by it, it wasn’t like that was his only pair and working in an optical shop had its perks. What could one do? Turning off the water and towelling off his face, he gave himself a once over to make sure at least his skin was clean; his clothes would have to wait until he got home. Satisfied with his appearance he grabbed the bouquet as he exited the bathroom, making his way towards the kitchen, [color=limegreen]”Hey Ashton, thanks again for letting me use your bathroom I really appreciate i-”[/color] As soon as he entered the kitchen, he was greeted with not just Ashton, but the same beautiful blonde he met just hours earlier. Unlike the athletic wear she was in before, she was wearing an oversized t-shirt that just barely covered her lower half and yielded towards her long, slender and pale legs. His eyes couldn’t help but linger before they moved back up again, his face visibly reddening, [color=limegreen]”H-h-hey, Amaya.”[/color] he laughed somewhat nervously. Smiling slightly as Amaya questioned if the flowers were for her, Ashton responded with a nod before beaming as the smaller blonde seemed to beam with happiness.Mission accomplished! Make Amaya happy this morning! Ashton probably would have hugged her roomie, if she wasn’t covered head to toe with ash and soot. That and she managed to have enough self control to remember that fact. Giving a soft pout as Amaya explained that the firefighter would have to wait, but perked back up when questioned over a possible guest. Smiling cheerfully, Ashton nodded and gave a thumbs up. Confirming that there was indeed a guest and to make more pancakes. Plus… Ashton was always up for extra… Hearing Kyle’s voice, Ashton turned to look at the boy as he began to thank her for the use of the bathroom. Although, he seemed to suddenly freeze in place for some reason. Wonder why? At least he looked cleaner now. He then greeted Amaya like he knew her, and he laughed softly in a nervous manner. Tilting her head to the side questionably, Ashton seemed minorly confused over the situation. Oh they knew one another? Wow what a coincidence! This was great! The circle of friends intensifies! Giving a silent laugh, the tall blonde waved to them both before bounding to the bathroom to take a shower. Shutting the door and cheerfully stripping off her filthy uniform, before turning on the shower and jumping in. Allowing the two to have a chat and get know each other better. She couldn’t help but wonder how those two knew one another. Mhmm…. Well she supposed she didn’t know much about Amaya’s friends. As she scrubbed her muscled tan body, scars littering the skin, she came to a sudden realization. Could it be? Naaaah that would be something straight out of a shoujo manga or something. Amaya was shocked to see Kyle emerge from the bathroom. [i]He[/i] had been the guest? Not that it was a bad thing, it was just unexpected. She noticed him flush red and was a bit confused as to why. So many question flooded the blonde’s head. It didn’t take her too long to realize that she was still in her pajamas and was revealing a little more than what was comfortable in the presence of someone of the opposite gender. This time it was her turn to turn red. She wanted to run to her bedroom to change desperately, but a pancake browned on the pan next to her. [color=FFF5D7]“Oh, uh, hello Kyle!”[/color] She smiled trying to pass off as though everything was fine. It wasn’t too big of a deal, right? It’s not like she was showing off anything that wouldn’t be showing if she were wearing a swimsuit. [color=FFF5D7]“If you’d like you can have a seat at the table. I’m just finishing these pancakes. You can have some if you’d like.”[/color] Amaya turned towards the stove. Her face felt hot and she knew it wasn’t just the heat from the pan. [color=FFF5D7]“So, um, you and Ashton know each other?”[/color] She tried to make some sort of small talk while trying to answer some of the many questions in her head. One particularly nagging thought was the idea that perhaps the two of them were together and she had mistaken his idea of a date for her idea of a date. Kyle gripped on the bouquet a little tighter and turned to the side a bit, trying to keep his posture as casual as possible. It’s not like she wasn’t wearing anything that wasn’t acceptable, she just looked...really, really cute. [color=limegreen][i]’I have a date with her tonight...wow,’[/i][/color] a small smile appeared, the redness in his face a combination of nerves and anxiety more than embarrassment now. Upon her question, he glanced her way, [color=limegreen]”No, not really, we met this morning. I found her asleep outside the academy and helped her find her way back here. Um...is there anything I can do to help prepare? Maybe set out plates and silverware?”[/color] His eyes wandered the kitchen, looking at everything but the gorgeous girl until his eyes fell on the bouquet that Ashton had picked out. Suddenly remembering his own bouquet he approached Amaya and said, [color=limegreen]”I had intended on giving you these tonight, but...well I guess I met up with you earlier than expected.”[/color] He chuckled nervously. What an odd way to meet. It seems as though the two had a chance meeting which was quite the coincidence since Kyle and Amaya had a date later on in the day. Overall, everything was just a big ball of convenient happenings. It was kinda funny now that she thought about it. Since her biggest concern was mostly cleared up, Amaya felt better. At first when Kyle asked to help, she wanted to decline and tell him to simply sit down. However, she had a moment to think about it and knew that some people just wanted something to do when they were uncomfortable. Also, it wasn’t like it was a very demanding task, so she decided to let him set up the table. [color=FFF5D7]“The silverware is over here,”[/color] She explained, opening a drawer quickly to show the contents, [color=FFF5D7]“And the plates are up here,”[/color] She had to reach up in order to pull the cabinet door open. Unfortunately, there were some things high up that Amaya was unable to reach, so in the past months, she has had to jump onto the counter to reach the plates. Realizing that by reaching up, her t-shirt had risen as well revealing her underwear, which was something she was not entirely comfortable with. Quickly, she brought her arm down and tugged on the hem of the shirt. The blonde then moved on to show him where the cups were in the cupboard next to the plates. The flowers that Kyle was holding were quite pretty. When he explained that they were for her, she was baffled. Two flower bouquets in the span of one day was a new record. He was so considerate, especially since this was for the date! The dark haired male seemed a bit nervous, but he looked so cute. She was struck with the urge to hug him, so she grabbed the bouquet and wrapped her arms around his torso. It was brief, but meaningful. [color=FFF5D7]“Thank you so much!”[/color] Amaya exclaimed, not really caring that she had gotten dirty. Once getting herself finally clean, Ashton stepped out of the shower, taking one of the towels hanging off a rack ruffled it against her body. Once she felt satisfied in drying herself, she ruffled the towel against her hair before wrapping the white fabric around her body. It was a beach towel, as most towels were too small for her to do this.The top came just above her flat chest, while the bottom rested at her thighs. Taking a pin from the pile in a cup, she pinned the fabric to assist in keeping it together, since she didn’t have the chest most girls had to help with that. Really, she should remember to bring clothes in here. Rolling her shoulders, she felt them slightly crack, causing her to twitch a little. Stiffer than she thought. Still, she took her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth. Looking at her scared face within the mirror in front of her. Each time she looked at it, she felt a little dissatisfied. Or to be specific, just deflated as a couple memories poked at her brain. Trying to remind her of the birth of these scars and the story they told. Still, she shook the thoughts away, accepting their message and just continued on with her daily life. Washing out her mouth, she walked out of the bathroom and just headed straight to the kitchen. Oblvious to her current condition and how in natural society this wasn’t what one did in front of other people. The tall blonde opened the fridge, reaching inside and taking a little plastic container of apple juice. Like the ones children would get with their school lunch. Plastic straw taped to the side, awaiting to be ripped open and used to puncture the silver covered opening at the top. Closing the fridge, she did just that and sipped on the joyous liquid. Her amethyst gaze flicked to her two companions curiously, wondering how they were doing. They seemed to be having fun at least! They were even hugging! Awe! Ashton smiled brightly moving over to the now dirty pair, gingerly wrapping her arms around their heads to give them a little hug. Feeling like she was missing out on the warm display. Before she innocently waved and headed back to her room to change into a clean pair of clothes. Ashton admitted that she wasn’t a fashionable person, she mostly threw together whatever. Though Marine often tried to pick out outfits for her and threatened that if she messed them up or didn’t wear them, she’d punch Ashton in the face. So the tall blonde finally settled on a [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/girlsforever/images/b/b8/Tom_boy_outfit1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120816184225]outfit[/url] Marine had chosen for her. Nothing girly or anything and loose enough to move in. She did ditch the hat though, as she didn’t usually wear them unless it was really hot to the point it felt like her hair was on fire. The sunglasses gingerly on top of her head, nestled within the blonde hair near her forehead. Walking out her room, she walked back to the kitchen and took a seat after tossing her now empty apple juice in the garbage. Amethyst eyes beaming at the others with her usual cheery attitude, and curiosity. Kyle certainly got an eyeful of Amaya, more than he would have anticipated when being shown where the dishes were. Her underwear was simple enough and her behind was certainly ample and round, Kyle tore his eyes away before she noticed. As he presented the bouquet though, he breathed a sigh of relief. She liked them, and before he realized it, the young male was suddenly engulfed in a hug. Though surprised he liked this warm feeling and his own arms wrapped around the blonde beauty’s tiny frame, [color=limegreen]”Don’t mention it.”[/color] Suddenly he felt a third person wrap their arms around both their heads, it was light hug, and as Kyle turned his head to see the culprit, all he saw was skin and fluffy cotton. Looking up, it seemed Ashton had snuck up on the two of them in their conversing and decided to give them a hug...in nothing but her towel. Red in the face again Kyle silently watched as Ashton retreated to what he assumed was her bedroom, now releasing Amaya from the embrace. Turning back to her he looked at her, then at himself before back to her, realizing he had actually dirtied her with his clothes. The sight and scene felt like deja vu and once again, Kyle found himself laughing, [color=limegreen]”I’m so sorry, hahahaha, I didn’t mean to get your shirt dirty,”[/color] in between his fits of giggling he said, [color=limegreen]”Let me go set the table.”[/color] As he gathered the plates, setting the silverware and cups atop them, Kyle reflected what had just gone on in the last several hours. He had found some really nice company, quaint people whom he felt like he could just be around. Amaya he wanted to get to know better, but she seemed nice and considerate from what time he had spent with her. As for Ashton, she seemed so innocent and childlike, a young girl in a giant’s body, whose kindness and affection seemed to know no bounds. Turning around he found Ashton had returned to the kitchen in some casual attire, she looked nice in blue. Smiling he began to set the plates on the table, arranging it so the forks were on the left, knives to the right, cups in the top right. Looking up he noticed that Ashton was wearing a pair of glasses….on top of her head… Cringing internally he playfully scolded the giant, [color=limegreen]”Ash, don’t wear those on your head, you’ll stretch them out,”[/color] work mode suddenly activated he reached over and snagged the glasses from her, inspecting the frames; sure enough they were stretched out. [color=limegreen]”Hold on,”[/color] a look of concentration on his face Kyle began to press the corners of the frames into the countertops, making sure to bend the frame back into shape. After a couple of attempts he felt satisfied and rinsed the lenses off in the sink, wiping them down with a towel and handed them back to Ashton. [color=limegreen]”There, good as new.”[/color] Turning back to Amaya he asked, [color=limegreen]”Do you girls want milk or OJ? And do you have syrup?”[/color] Amaya was a bit surprised when Ashton joined the two. She hadn’t really expected her to. However, as much as it was confusing, it was quick. Not that Amaya didn’t appreciate it. The taller female retreated back to her room with a wave leaving the other two in the kitchen. After the smaller girl removed herself from the embrace, she returned to the sizzling pancakes. They were just about done. She kinda sat back and finished the pancakes while Kyle set the table. It almost seemed as though they all lived together. Laughing to herself, Amaya flipped the last pancake onto one of the two stacks. She then turned the stove off and put a couple of things away before grabbing the two plates of fluffy pancakes and setting them on the table. She noticed Kyle fiddling with Ash’s sunglasses. She had noticed the that he didn't have glasses on like when she had first bumped into him. [color=FFF5D7]“I’ll take milk. Also the syrup is in the second cupboard from the fridge.”[/color] Amaya called out. [color=FFF5D7]“I'll be right back, I'm going to go change,”[/color] With the pancakes done, she finally had the freedom to change. She slipped into her bedroom and changed into something more decent. Blinking a little as her new friend Kyle lightly scolded her over her sunglasses, she tilted her head to the side as he took them before working his magic on them in order to fix their bent up condition. Taking them back, her amethyst eyes curiously looked them over before gingerly folding them and hooking one of the legs into the top of her shirt. So it just hung around her chest, giving a innocent triumphant thumbs up. Nodding quickly just after Amaya requested milk, indicating that the giant probably wanted milk as well. Before her eyes sparkled at the plate of heavenly pancakes. She looked like she’d just cry with heavenly joy at breakfast food. It had been so long… to have pancakes at home. Of course Ashton has attempted to cook them before but…. Well it just didn’t end well, to put it mildly. Thank you to all of stars in the universe Amaya! Thank you so much! Was Ashton’s thoughts as she smiled brightly. Gingerly cutting her pancakes into square pieces after smearing it with butter, she forked one of them and plopped them in her mouth. Unable to wait for the syrup and just wanting to have a taste. It was amazing. And the tall blonde chewed happily, contented with life. Kyle opened the fridge, looking around as he grabbed the jug of milk...half empty...he’d have to buy some more as thanks for the pancakes later. He walked over to the table and poured a glass for all three of them, effectively emptying the gallon before heading to the sink to rinse it out. Placing it on the counter, unsure of where the recycling was he grabbed the maple syrup from the cupboard and poured himself some of the golden delicious liquid. Somehow he was reminded of home, and breakfast with his family as he sat with Ashton and soon enough Amaya. He started cutting into the pancakes before looking to Ashton with a small smile on his lips, [color=limegreen]”It’s kind of funny, I wasn’t expecting my date tonight to be your roommate, what a weird coincidence, am I right? Suddenly meeting you only a few hours after I met her, I wasn’t expecting to see her place until at [b]least[/b] after the third date.”[/color] He chuckled a little, nomming down on the fluffy pastry, relishing its sweet and savory flavor. Cheerily brightening as Kyle poured a glass of milk for the lot of them, she smacked her hands in front of her face and gave a little bow in thanks before happily sipping at her glass of milk. Setting the glass down, she drew her tongue along her upper milk to rid of some leftover liquid that clung to it before continuing stuffing her face and filling her ever growing hungry belly. It did feel nice… to eat at a table at home with people. It really did feel like having a family, and it was a nice feeling. A feeling she missed. So she’d savor it like she will savor the flavor of these delicious pancakes. Because she didn’t want her selfish desires to rise to the forefront of her mind. Perking up as Kyle spoke, Ashton turned her amethyst gaze towards Kyle to see him smiling and seeming to find this odd coincidence amusing. The tall blonde smiled and nodded in agreement. Honestly, she could hardly believe it. It was quite lucky and amazing. Amaya and Kyle… they looked like they’d be cute together. Ashton tried to imagine the scenario of their date, in probably the most flowery mushy date one could think of. A bright excited smile crossed her lips, hoping the two enjoyed themselves. There was something Marine warned her about back when Amaya first moved in. Something about, reading signals and leaving the house for some time for whatever reason for Amaya to have ‘fun’ time. The firefighter didn’t particularly understand. Oh! Maybe to have a candlelight dinner and litter the place with pretty rose petals? Maybe sit on the couch and watch a romantic movie and cuddle together? Maybe with some sweet kisses? Looking to Kyle questionly, Ashton tilted her head curiously as she tried to think before smiling. Placing her silverware down on her now empty plate, wiped her hands on a napkin before grasping the boogie board hanging from her neck. Taking the little writing tool and started to scribble on it. She didn’t know how to ask this question so she resorted to her trusty tool. The boogie board. She turned and showed it to him, eyes sparkling with curiosity. ‘What do you plan for your date?’ Once Amaya finished changing into a nicer [url=http://photo.foter.com/photos/pi/323/simple-cute-by-makaiod-on-polyvore-clothes-outift-for-o-teens-o-movies-o-girls-o-women-o-summer-o-fall-o-spring-o-winter-o-outfit-ideas-o-dates-o-parties-polyvore-catalina-christiano.jpg]outfit[/url], she headed back to the kitchen. It seemed as though both Kyle and Ash were enjoying the breakfast she had made. She sat down with the two to grab a couple of pancakes. They had turned out very well in her own opinion. However, she didn't really have too much time to enjoy them. She had to go to Shine Academy. Classes were starting up soon, so she'd have to make a new routine to go around them. Usually today was just an orientation day for new students, but Amaya wanted to get a head start on the school year. She found that it was always best to butter up her professors and get on their good side. Today was a good day for that since it was easy to bond over complaining about freshman. Not that she was particularly fond of doing so, but many teachers did and appreciated her company during orientation. At least she knew what she was doing. After finishing her pancakes in a bit of a hurry, the shorter blonde set her dishes in the sink and went back to her room to grab her purse. [color=FFF5D7]“Sorry, I have to go so soon, but I have some things I have to do at the academy,”[/color] She said upon arriving back to the dining room. [color=FFF5D7]“See you later, Ashton. And I'll see you tonight, Kyle.”[/color] Amaya left the apartment with a wave, and walked the familiar path to Shine Academy. As Kyle ate breakfast he noticed that Ashton was writing something down, and that’s when the question came out, ‘what [b]did[/b] he have planned for their date tonight?’ [color=limegreen]”Uhhh…”[/color] and of course Amaya came out at just that moment to consume her fill before rushing off towards the door, [color=limegreen]”Yea! See you tonight!”[/color] He waved enthusiastically, though as the door closed he started somewhat panicking. [color=limegreen]”God Ash, I hadn’t even thought of that, what are we going to do? Last night was just such a spontaneous encounter and question, that I hadn’t even thought that far ahead.”[/color] Wracking his brain together, he tried to think of simple things the two could do, but all the ideas that came to him seemed almost...too trivial, he really didn’t know anything about this woman. That’s when his brain clicked, [color=limegreen]”Ash! You’re her roommate! What does she like to do, or rather...what do you think we should do?”[/color] His eyes were somewhat pleading, it had been so long since he’d asked anyone to do anything, and his first date with… [i]her[/i] wasn’t even planned, it was spontaneous and coincidental, just like now. Perking up as Amaya ate then said that she had to go, the taller blonde smiled brightly, waving her left arm above her head in a cheerful farewell to her roommate. Soon turning her amethyst gaze to her new friend of the day, the firefighter tilted her head curiously. It would seem, that he did not have any plan on what to do on this date with Amaya. Crossing her arms thoughtfully, she rubbed her right hand against her chin in a ‘mhmm’ fashion before snapping her fingers as a lightbulb went off in her head. Snapping her fingers, Ashton smacked her hands on the table excitedly, smiling excitedly as she gave thumbs up before pointing between herself and Kyle. Grabbing the Boogie Board around her neck, she erased the message and scribbled something down on it. Before turning it around to show Kyle what she meant. ‘Practice date’ is what it read, and she was sure she could help Kyle make it as perfect as possible. A...practice date? Somehow that seemed like a really bad idea, but it also seemed like Ashton had every good intention in her bone to help him out... What the hell, why not? What could go wrong?