[hider=Raynor's Raiders][center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/8/8a/RaynorsRaiders_SC2_Logo1.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20100725164935[/img] [h1][color=00aeef][i][b]Raynor's Raiders[/b][/i][/color][/h1] [hr][hr] [h2][b][u]OVERVIEW[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Well Rounded race of Previously Earth-Dwellers thrown into outer space. The Terrans have a widespread presence in the galaxy. Its infantry uses a mix of artillery, aerial and special support units; most notably their Siege Tanks, Vikings and Thor units backed up by Behemoth-Class Battlecruisers depending on its regiment.[/indent] [h2][b][u]CULTURE[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Some of the army men in Raynor's Raiders come from unsavoury backgrounds. Marauders were known murderers and Hellions were pyromaniacs. Most of the Space Marines in the Raiders are trained military personnel with no bad record. Those who proved their loyalty to Charles remained within the Marauders team and Hellions team. While there are also personnel whom have not committed atrocities joined the Marauders and Hellions team, giving variety to the mix.[/indent] [h2][b][u]APPERANCE[/u][/b][/h2] [indent][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/13/137152/3866173-0980243102-starc.jpg[/img] Raynor's Raiders had always been recognised with their heroic paragon blue hue. Charles' Combat Armour sports Crimson Earth features with the emblem of a skull on its golden visor resemblant of his Father's visor.[/indent] [h2][b][u]RESOURCES[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The Terrans occupy Sector 4, the Kitchen. It utilises Vespene Reactor and A Workshop to process their materials contained within. The kitchen is cluttered with many tools and cooking equipment that could be recycled or reutilised into their military bread and butter scrap in the workshop. Clothes and other soft materials are processed through the Vespene Reactor to generate Vespene Gas.[/indent] [h2][b][u]LEADERSHIP[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The Military uses the Naval Rank System. The Captain of Raynor's Raiders is the son of the infamous Terran Jim Raynor named [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3e/66/93/3e6693d67b4414db51aea87769ad54a1.jpg]Charles Raynor[/url] who has control over his Army's progress followed by other figure heads in the army include Lieutenant Commanders and other Lieutenants who lead certain special groups of infantry, artillery or air support.[/indent] [h2][b][u]LEGACY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]The cowboys of outer space believed that they've finally crushed Harold's Army. At the cost of Jim Raynor himself, the rest of Raynor's Raiders left their home planet in peace and searched for other planets for resources. As they set course to an unknown world, they were beset by mystical forces of the Protoss and was sucked into a large Psionic Storm that transferred them into this new World.[/indent] [h2][b][u]MILITARY[/u][/b][/h2] [indent]Raynor's Raiders harnessed a versatile combat force capable of adapting to many combat situations. While massing a mediocre infantry size, they are largely supported with several heavy hitting Armour and Air Superiority. They include; [list][*] 400 Space Marines [*] 350 Marauders [*] 50 Medics [*] 50 Ghosts [*] 50 Hellion/Hellbats [*] 30 Siege Tanks [*] 75 Vikings [*] 25 Banshees [*] 4 Hercules [*] 3 Thors [*] 5 Liberators [/list] [/indent] [/center][/hider]