[color=a36209][center][h2]Isn't She Just the Cutest, Father Joan?[/h2][/center][/color] [color=a36209]"It was...stressful,"[/color] Father Joan admitted, perhaps using a slight bit of understatement in her response to Sasha. The way she rested her forehead against the mechanic's clavicle no doubt gave away her half-truth; Joan decided to attack Sasha preemptively before she received the threatened scolding, and began stroking the grease streaks in her munchkin's unkempt blonde hair. [color=a36209]"But I'm already feeling better."[/color] She could already feel big blue eyes glaring at her in reproach. [color=a36209]"Sa-shaaaa." [/color]Joan smiled gently. [color=a36209]"I'm already feeling better. All of us made it out okay, most of our HFVs received nothing more than minimal scrapes, and the pirates were successfully driven off from [i]Jannah.[/i] The Paper Tiger crews deserve a lot of credit. Especially the caffeinated little midget who refuses to stop running diagnostics on my machine. It's thanks to her that I did so well."[/color]