I suppose! But a grinding war of attrition and an awful escape plan that somehow works tends to delay much more than basic thought on such things. Like I say I have no issues with what people pursue development of once it gets going - provided it isn't completely out of setting - but I'd like to not have to micromanage whether someone has an army of nano-tech infused cyborgs or what not when the setting doesn't support it. I'm not accusing YOU, personally, of that, it's just one of the many enjoyable fun times that have started to emerge in past experiences. If you want limited, granted by todays standard, pretty fantastical stuff without going overboard, particularly if some practical evidence of it exists, sure. On a related limb, AI development and things like that should be relatively lacklustre for the timespan but, still, obviously, of had considerable development once everyone stopped dying, smart AI that is functionally still "dumb" for example. By no means does that stop people aiming to make it self-aware once things get going, I'd prefer such radical breaking points in technology taking place should be for the RP rather than just idle history, but thats just my opinion and I'm open to other thoughts.