[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [hider=ROLLS] 1 Genetic Make Up Mutants: Those truly warped, or some would say adapted, to the new world. Barely human looking, every mutant group is unique in their phenotype but they all share a uniform resilience to radiation and toxins. Generally feared and hated by less altered stock, the smart know they can be a valuable asset and that their goods are not “tainted” as some would have you believe. 2 Cultural Meta-Group Raiders: An unfortunate truth of the wastes is the prevalence of raider gangs. Savage and violent, they typically take more than they make but there are exceptions. Most don’t settle down in any place for too long, and tend to use up what they have quickly. Many treat the apocalypse as a sort of hedonistic paradise, murdering for fun, using homemade narcotics, and generally raping to their hearts content. 3 Leadership Dictatorship: Whether they go by mayor, king, chief, tyrant, boss or any other blandishment of power, these men are the movers and shakers in the wastes. Strong willed and often ruthless, singular individuals often take charge of small groups, as has been the case in every historical era. They may have a close knit inner circle, but they always rule with absolute power when it comes down to it. 4 Cultural Quirks Not the Lingua Franca: The group doesn’t speak the standard language of the wastes. Maybe they speak a different old world tongue, or maybe a new language that has emerged since the apocalypse. In any case, they have trouble interacting with other groups and require interpreters to treat with them. Intellectuals: In a world that constantly demands 100% effort just to stay alive, it’s very rare to see a group even partially dedicated to mental pursuits, but here one is. Usually considered too brainy by other groups, these fellows spend their off time reading salvaged books and maybe even doing a little science/inventing/archaeology. Hold themselves to a higher standard of intelligence/knowledge than others. 5 Distinctive Appearance Body Paint: Same as above, but they never go without their paint jobs. Unique Body Mod: Come in many forms, from filed teeth to a specific kind of tattoo to ritual branding. Body of Knowledge: The group preserves information on the bodies of it’s members. Technical diagrams scarified onto their chests, covered in tattooed text, etc. 6 Unique/Exclusive Resource Water: The wet stuff. The real lifeblood of the wastes. In short supply, so those that control it are invariably very well off. 7 Equipment Quality Ramshackle: Armor is cobbled together, guns are hand tooled, and houses/clothes are generally not in the best state. Pretty standard for most people, unfortunately. 8 Motor-Pool General Make Up Fast: Sports cars, interceptors, maybe even a handful of race/supercars. Extremely fast, stylish, and fragile. Drink fuel like no one's business and will need a skilled mechanic to maintain, but the speed is generally worth it. 9 Special Vehicle Shit Turbo-Charged: Engines are supercharged and often fitted with nitrous. The group's cars will be capable of incredible bursts of speed, at the cost of some special maintenance and materials. Black on Black: Your come in any colour so long as it’s black. Stealthier at night, and more intimidating during the day. The black paint also seemingly correlates with higher skill among drivers. Re Choose to re-roll this or Shiny and Chrome if you get both. 10 Flagship Vehicle A Fucking Tank: Slow, complicated, and chugs fuel faster than anything else you can imagine. It even has a limited ammo supply for its main gun. But it’s functionally indestructible, can wipe out any other vehicle with a single shot, and if someone sees one of these coming you can bet their fucking ass they’re going to run. [/hider] Well aren't you one lucky fucker. You got everything you wanted and then some. Just don't go overboard with your NS due to your rolls and try to be reasonable. [/quote] Holy fuck thats almost exactly what I wanted. Will have to work the raiders in, but Im sure I can do that. Hrmm will put my nation sheet tommorow, Im thinking cannibalistic drug filled Jawas who kidnap (and occasionally eat) children.