[@Iatos][@Shiny Keldeo] [h3][color=f26522]Zaru the Chimchar[/color][/h3] [color=f26522]"I guess so. But if he's been lost in the woods for quite a while without much supplies, he might not last. We're guild-trained, they're not."[/color] Zaru reasoned. While he knew that most civilian pokemon knew how to protect themselves, they aren't exactly on par with guild members. They can't really last a long time of being bombarded with aggressive pokemon. That was the main reason why he was so worried about the well being of the Growlithe. Hopefully what Milton said is true. That Growlithe could handle himself well because of his type advantage. He kept his eyes and ears open for any disturbances. It would be best not to be taken by surprise by any of the aggressive pokemon here. That was his forte anyway.