Adrian wore a palpable frown from the gymnasium to the armory. [i]Is she just going to keep talking like that? I'm already exhausted.[/i] He walked in silence, the same bored expression on his face the whole way. "Yeah," he mumbled eventually, holding the door to the armory open for her, "Maybe this time will be different, who knows?" “Rebecca, really? You and... and Adrian?!” Zac seemed to be enjoying that as a joke a bit too much, but Adrian only nodded. His head was pounding steadily and it would not do to raise his voice right now. Honestly, he liked Zac, but this morning was just not a good one. He took the plastic tranquilizer gun in his hand, it didn't feel right. It wasn't the familiar cold metal of a real firearm, and it didn't have those hollow point bullets in the clip that he had come to respect so much...but it was something. [i]Baby steps, baby steps...can't go all guns blazing right away.[/i] He glanced at the tracking device, with it's additional "kill switch", an ominous object and one that caused him to glance sidelong at Rebecca once more, he had a feeling he'd be using this far sooner than he would like. He stashed it away in his breast pocket as he removed his jacket to put on his holster. He sighed at the stain on his white shirt, he could have sworn it wasn't there this morning, he'd have to keep his jacket on. He frowned even more as he took off his watch, a fine thing of silver with an engraving on the back that's meaning seemed to be a thousand years old. It had been given to him so long ago it felt like it had been a completely different person receiving it. She couldn't handle the lifestyle though, couldn't keep waiting up until all hours of the night to wonder if he was coming home or not, and above all that she had just grown plain jealous. Adrian and Clara had been close, but never intimate, but it was something she could not reconcile. After Clara's death, she had been the other woman Adrian spent many drunken nights yearning for. Thank goodness he didn't know her number. He looked at if for a few seconds, running his thumb over the engraving, but then put it down, given to Zac for safe-keeping. "Come on," he said, perhaps a little more bitterly than he really intended, "We've got a job to do." He roughly shrugged into his jacket and swiftly walked out.