[b]Kotori Shirohane - Sapphire Inn | Sunday, July 5 2015[/b] Once the initial surprise at the fourth new addition to the team in the form of Zeke had subsided - some seeming to take it more in stride than others - the preparations were made to head into the mirror world itself. Kotori would be following Rui, together with Akane and Sato, whilst Kaminari would be leading Ryan, Mako and Shizuka from the other side as Ayano had surmised that the dungeon itself was unusual in that it had two separate entrances and thus allowed for a simultaneous two-sided approach. Remembering her own unease when she'd first entered the mirror world, Kotori tried giving an encouraging smile in their direction - at least that was the intention; the result being more akin to an awkward half-smile. Though she would have liked to be able to help both Mako and Shizuka, seeing as it was their first excursion into the mirror world, Kotori also trusted that Rui knew what he was doing when he made the groups and that Kaminari and Ryan in turn, together with their navigator and, if need be, Zeke, would make sure that not only those two but also whoever was kidnapped would return safely. Megumi and Ayano meanwhile had continued to scan the area to glean any information they could and chimed in with their discovery of a dozen strong signatures - strong shadows, though not quite as powerful as the ones which were the basis of a persona, would be dotted around the upcoming area it would seem; a prospect that Kotori wasn't exactly too thrilled to hear about. Still, they had managed to get through things this far, so the least she could do was to hope they'd do the same here - and looking about her team as Rui gave the order to move out, neither Akane nor Sato seemed to - at least outwardly - show much of a lack of confidence; prompting her in turn to take a deep breath to calm herself and then follow them into the mirror world as they headed toward the inn after giving a brief bow to the other team and wishing them the best of luck and to stay safe.