Jasper had skidded to a stop right next to Isei, not even noticing the human for a moment as she eyed what was left of the Koopas and Goombas dense enough to come here, not to mention the incoming Paragoombas and Paratroopas. Those were heading towards Roland and York, who looked to be the least competent in combat of anyone here, though a few were heading towards her location for coverage's sake. She was focused in on them, ready to crush until Isei spoke. She paused, angry eyes turning on the human. At least it wasn't one of this world's inhabitants that tried to give her this lecture (at least she was sure it wasn't one of this world's inhabitants), but indignation still shone in her face. The descending opponents were briefly forgotten from her mind. [color=FFA500]"If you know as much about fighting as you say you do, you'll get your hands off of me,"[/color] she said, eyes narrowing [color=FFA500]"and fighting is [i]what I was made for[/i], so whatever a human like you knows, I-"[/color] Jasper couldn't finish her thought, on account of forgetting a rather cardinal rule when it came to combat. Never take your eyes off of whoever or whatever you're fighting. The Paratroopas had seen fit to take advantage of this, withdrawing into their shells and charging at her like homing missile, beaning the gem warrior in the back of the head. Overzealous, they rounded and started heading for Isei too, looking to get two in one shot. [@Zero Hex] [color=708090]"Huh. There's something you don't see everyday."[/color] Remarked York calmly as he noted Ken's transformation. The tail was honestly the strangest part to him, but even then York wasn't that phased. Humans had natural tails in the womb that disappeared over time, and turtles were considered delicacies in some parts of the world. He never did bother asking Ken if he could remember where he was from, perhaps it was one of those places. It was at that point the Paratroopas attacked. Moving deftly as flies, the winged enemies buzzed around York and Roland, and though York managed the occasional lucky shot, his expert marksmanship was failing him, largely due to the fact that every time he had a decent shot lined up something bumped into him to throw him off. He grunted and groaned, his mind whirling to come up with a solution. One didn't take one to come to him, as his eyes returned to Ken, still munching on some nearby, screaming turtles. He elbowed Roland's side and nodded towards Ken and then the Paratroopas attacking them. Perhaps Ken could do with a light snack. Slowly, York started leading the Paratroopas over to Ken, still shooting at them to give the illusion of trying. [@CrimsonCastle] Kieri watched as another aura started to coat Ainz's body, this time also getting a hold of hers. She shivered, feeling its power first hand, and reminding her why she was so intimidated by the skeletal man in the first place. When the aura faded, she had expected another beast of burden to appear and start chasing the ship, leading to her confusion when nothing appeared to be happening. [color=00FFFF]"What..."[/color] Was all she had time to say before the black hole appeared. The largest battleship, having led the pack, was furthest away from the hole and was able to get away rather easily. The other two ships weren't so lucky, and Kieri watched slack jawed as they were sucked in, any screaming that had come from the ships quickly silenced as they were crushed under the black hole's immense pressure. It took a moment for Kieri to speak after that, and none of the Koopas or Goombas, Para or otherwise, saw themselves fit to approach Ainz after that display of power. They took their chances on things they could possibly beat. [color=00FFFF]"Who...Who are y-you?"[/color] Kieri asked after a moment, still staring at the black hole in the air where the ships once were. [@Deathxthextree]