[color=chocolate][h1][center]Amber Pine[/center][/h1][/color] [color=chocolate][h3][center]Route to Mesalon[/center][/h3][/color] [@Noxx] [@Laach] Amber had only been in Kosei for a day, and she'd already seen some truly amazing sights. [color=chocolate]"Well I haven't seen that wing pattern before..."[/color] she said to nobody in particular as she pointed her camera at the swarm of Vivillon. [color=chocolate]"Three different types already!"[/color] Click. Click. Click. She looked over the pictures, which showed how the late morning sun set off the bright blue of their wings. Digging out her notebook, she scribbled and sketched, studying their flight pattern and colour differences. "Kabu." The fossil Pokemon crawled over to the log she sat on and nudged her leg. "Kabu!" he repeated, more firmly this time, turning and scuttling towards what should have been the focus of Amber's attention. [color=chocolate]"Hm? What is it?"[/color] Amber turned her head and gasped. [color=chocolate]"Hey!"[/color] There, standing on her basket of painted pebbles, was a Murkrow, holding one of the stones in its beak. That Beedrill painting with the golden stripes had taken her hours! Kabuto tried to swipe at the thief, stubby claws only scratching thin air as the Murkrow took flight. Amber jumped to her feet. [color=chocolate]"Go, Yanma!"[/color] The Bug-type darted into the sky, wings moving in a blur as she caught up with the Murkrow. [color=chocolate]"Use Tackle!"[/color] Yanma slammed into the Murkrow, startling it enough that it screeched and dropped the pebble into a patch of grass. Yes, Amber had just sent out a Bug type against a Flying type, but Yanma had her considerable speed as an advantage, and Kabuto was scurrying over, ready to intervene if necessary. It turned out there was no need to. As the wild Pokemon flew into the distance, Amber picked up the painted stone and placed it back with the others. [color=chocolate]"That..."[/color] Her expression instantly brightened, eyes gleaming. [color=chocolate]"That was fascinating! I've never seen one do that close up!"[/color] Kabuto and Yanma looked at each other with flat, drawn-out noises that sounded like sighs. She continued along her way with the basket hanging from her arm as she jotted down notes. Her foot struck something. [color=chocolate]"Waugh!"[/color] Next thing she knew, she was sprawled across the ground, the pebbles scattered everywhere. Twisting around, she looked behind her to see she'd just tripped over a sleeping girl. [color=chocolate]"Ugh... I'm sorry. I didn't see you there,"[/color] she said as she stood up, dizzy but unhurt. [color=chocolate]"You ok?"[/color]