[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [u][b]April 26th[/b][/u] [list][*]While the Kingdom of Jouran's support grows, and Zellonia and Estalia's silence, the Republic of Kavonia does not stand down. [*]The diplomatic attaché in Jouran of the Tyro-Antarian Empire reveals that it supports Jouran jingoism. [[color=00a651]+5 Relations[/color]][/list] [u][b]April 27th[/b][/u] [list][*]With the [b]Republic of Staratia[/b] being the only nation to support the Kavonian Republic, Kavonian diplomats arrive in Staratia to request further advice on how to proceed.[[color=00a651]+5 Relations[/color]] [hider=Staratian Diplomatic Crisis] [[b]Stand Firm[/b]]: We must support the Kavonians! To stand down would show that appeasement is our foreign policy. We will stand firm in recommitting to the support of our fellow Republic. [[b]Stand Down[/b]]: Given the overwhelming support for Jouran, we will stand down at this time, relenting on the Kavonian Denouncement.[/hider] [/list] [u][b]April 28th[/b][/u] [list][*]Disgruntled engineers of the Goldreich Armory company in Blutland, who were refused several blueprint ideas for aviation designs, start their new aviation design bureau--[b]Havukken Aero[/b]. While still working on actual aviation designs, they unveiled to the Blutlandic Army for potential review their Machinengunnen-10, a lightweight automatic machine gun that could theoretically be placed on aircraft for offensive operations. The Blutlandic Army immediately ordered 1,100 of the Machinengunnen-10's, but held off on the ideas for aviation, for now. [center][img]http://www.plane-encyclopedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Spandau-LMG08-1918-900x195.png[/img] [i]Machinengunnen-10, circa 1910[/i][/center] [/list] [u][b]April 29th[/b][/u] [list][*]A new rail line in the Tyro-Antarian Empire is opened. Running to the Jouran border, the [i]K.i.K. Jourum[/i] was a 325 kilometer long rail that ran from eastern Tyro-Antari through to Jouran. [/list] [u][b]April 30th[/b][/u] [list][*]First time pilot Hamad Hamas of the Seljuk Empire is killed when flying the Estalian purchased Valdera LN1910 scout plane. The plane is ruined beyond repair, and scrapped. [*]The [b]Blacovicz Republic[/b] officially sides with long time trading partner Staratia in supporting the [b]Kavonian Republic[/b]. [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f0/3c/05/f03c054fb8a3fd233d517203094e5106.jpg[/img] [i]Crash site of Hamad Hamas', 1910[/i][/center] [/list] [hr] [hider=EXTRA INFO][b]POLITICAL CLOUT[/b] -- At the beginning of every month, every [b]Nation[/b] will gain [4 Political Clout]. It can be spent the following ways: -- [b]Recruit General/Admiral[/b] [1 Political Clout]: Name the General/Admiral. They will be generated with a skill of [2d20]. -- [b]Improve Relations[/b] [3 Political Clout]: Will improve relations by [b]4[/b] with a target nation. -- [b]Propose Non-Aggression Pact[/b] [6 Political Clout]: Will propose a Non-Aggression Pact between a target nation. Relations must at least by 0. Lasts 3 Years. -- [b]Propose Defensive Alliance[/b] [10 Political Clout]: Will propose an alliance between a target nation. Relations must at least be +20. Lasts 5 Years. -- [b]Change Law[/b] [8 Political Clout]: Can change a law by [b]1 Slot[/b] in either direction. [hider=International Relations] -- [b][color=blue]Staratia[/color][/b]/[b][color=pink]Kavonia[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+9[/color]] [i]Having supported the Kavonians during the initial Denouncement Crisis, the Staratians and Kavonians friendship from the late 1880's was successfully mended.[/i] -- [b][color=beige]Jouran[/color][/b]/[b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian Empire[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-11[/color]] [i]Filled with Antarians and Tyrians, many within the Empire consider Jouran land to still be a piece of the empire itself. Coupled with the headline wringing [b]Carlsburg Affair[/b], tensions between Jouran and Tyro-Antari remain tight.[/i] -- [b][color=beige]Jouran[/color][/b]/[b][color=darkgreen]Dongaria[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-9[/color]] [i]The Dongarians, heavily militarized but mostly impoverished, have kept an ear to the ground about their neighbors. It wasn't until the Jourans decided double the size of their army that the Dongarians reacted, the Dongarian Prime Minister Hullam Abkath renouncing the Jouran militarism[/i]. -- [b][color=beige]Jouran[/color][/b]/[b][color=lightblue]Parmua[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-5[/color]] [i]The Principality of Parmua rightfully condemns attempts at remilitarization in the Kingdom of Jouran, and their King, Phillipe XII sends a request to immediately disband 40,000 men, or Parmua will regretfully sanction Jouran trade[/i]. -- [b][color=beige]Jouran[/color][/b]/[b][color=pink]Kavonia[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-8[/color]] [i]The Kavonian's, whose own peacetime army is less than 50,000 also fears that Jouran may be remilitarizing in a big way[/i]. -- [b][color=lavender]Staratia[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-4[/color]] [i]Both Republics, Staratia and Estalia are at odds as Staratia supported the independence of Estalian Serranthia independence in 1906, sending the rebels there rifles and supplies. Since, the Estalians have wagered a high tax on Staratian trade there through the Strait of Kalif.[/i] -- [b][color=blue]Thecia[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+9[/color]] [i]Estalia and Thecia have enjoyed trade for hundreds of years, and while Thecian monarchism reigns supreme, Estalia and Thecia possess a burgeoning trade relationship stymied only by Thecia's distance[/i]. -- [b][color=green]Dongaria[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+1[/color]] [i]With little trade, culture and geography in common, the Kingdom of Dongaria and the Estalian Republic have no opinion of one another. Most Dongarians believe Estalians to be lazy[/i]. -- [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antari Empire[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [+0] [i]Two nations whose paths have rarely crossed, the Dual Monarchy and the Coastal Republic have little to discuss, their embassies are rarely used. The former, a more land based power and the latter a more sea based power also have little to complain of one another[/i]. -- [b][color=red]Blutland[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-14[/color]] [i]The Estalians have long harbored their Blutlandic cousins as a weaker bunch. With an inadequate navy, but a superior holding on the Continent, the Estalians often feel themselves looking inwards to a nation they see as inferior.[/i] -- [b][color=red]Blutland[/color][/b]/[b][color=purple]Tyro-Antari Empire[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+4[/color]] [i]Based perhaps on geography, the Tyro-Antarians and Blutlands see themselves as acquaintances at a ballroom party. Neither party has reason to thumb their nose at the other, and neither party has reason to ask the other for a dance.[/i] -- [b][color=orange]Madeira[/color][/b]/[b][color=yellow]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=lightblue]+16[/color]] [i]Long time friends, Madeiran and Estalian relations are some of the best they have been since the early 1800's. The Madeirans and Estalians are culturally similar, in that Madeirans speak the Estalian language, albeit with a very unique dialect[/i]. [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=blue]Sessau[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-22[/color]] [i]In the early 1800's the [b]Zello-Sessauan Wars[/b] were some of the most fierce of the continent. They ended with the Zellonians eventually conquering and fragmenting the large Sessauan Empire, which later became the Kingdom of Sessau[/i]. [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=orange]Estalia[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-15[/color]] [i]Although friendly originally, Zellonian's recent decision to begin expanding militarily has soured Zello-Estalian relations, as Zellonia and Estalia may have divergent intentions over the Kizurgas Islands in the Inner Sea[/i]. [b][color=maroon]Zellonia[/color][/b]/[b][color=green]Dongaria[/color][/b]: [[color=red]-10[/color]] [/hider] [hider=Laws] [b]MANPOWER[/b] -- [b]Volunteer[/b] (0.1%) [+10% Monthly Production] -- [b]Basic Conscription[/b] (0.5%) [-5% Monthly Production] -- [b]Lawful Conscription[/b] (1.0%) [-10% Monthly Production] -- [b]Two Year Draft[/b] (2.0%) [-25% Monthly Production] -- [b]Service by Requirement[/b] (4.5%) [-40% Monthly Production] [/hider][/hider]