[h1][b][i][color=darkred][center]░A░N░G░E░L░A░ ░J.░ ░L░A░W░T░O░N░[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][URL=http://s1150.photobucket.com/user/Mskennedy615/media/tumblr_inline_mohdsnbcXR1qz4rgp_zps2qberx9u.gif.html][IMG]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o601/Mskennedy615/tumblr_inline_mohdsnbcXR1qz4rgp_zps2qberx9u.gif[/IMG][/URL] [i][color=darkred][sub]"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."[/sub][/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=darkred]Name:[/color][/b] Angela J. Lawton [b][color=darkred]Aliases:[/color][/b] Angie, LaLa [b][color=darkred]Age:[/color][/b] Seventeen. [b][color=darkred]Birthday:[/color][/b] March 12th [b][color=darkred]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=darkred]Bio:[/color][/b] Angela is the daughter of Catwoman and Deadshot, two very well known "villains." Her parents, although separated, tried to give her a normal childhood. They'd changed her last name, had a nanny drive her to and from school, and never attended back to school nights or parent-teacher conferences. She'd spend the first half of the year with her mom, and the last half with her father. Angela was perfectly fine with this, until she reached the age of thirteen, when she realized just how powerful her parents really were, and how [i]even more[/i] powerful they could be if they were together. After threatening to reveal their "secret" identities to their community, Angela finally convinced her parents to teach them everything they knew about being a villain. Her mother trained her; she taught her everything from hand-to-hand combat to gymnastics. Her father, on the other hand, supplied her with her own small collection of guns; two wrist guns, a glock 17 pistol, and her father's very own sleek, highly customized AR-15. Her uncanny markmanship and feline empathy came naturally, having been passed down from her parents. [b][color=darkred]Abilities:[/color][/b] [list][*] Highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant [*] Uncanny marksmanship [*] Highly skilled gymnast [*] Feline Empathy - has an good affinity for cats. Feline species tend to flock to her, accepting her almost immediately. They will sometimes come to her defense when she is attacked. [*] Cat-like Abilities - Stealth; heightened reflexes, senses, and physical power [*] Bilingualism[/list] [b][color=darkred]Child of a Villain or a hero:[/color][/b] The daughter of Deadshot and Catwoman