[center][img] http://i.imgur.com/1WyTVrv.jpg [/img] [@Ambra] [/center] Her ears perked up when she heard that there was a amateur musician with bard powers of all things! She blinked a few times, throwing glances at him. She then grit her teeth, looking down to the ground, having bad memories and lost future flood her mind again. Noelle still stood in her seat, clinging to Whitney’s sleeve as Sully then talked to her, answering the questions she posed. It made it quite clear that the blue haired girl was really scared and unnerved by this whole situation. Nevertheless she glared daggers at Sully. He had abducted them and she didn’t really approve of that… she couldn’t. Logic dictated he did it for their good( probably), but for someone with her condition logic didn’t really prevail over her primal fear. [color=6ecff6]“Then…”[/color] She barely opened her mouth, causing the low sound waves to spread out again.[color=6ecff6]” … what do you want from us…?”[/color] Noelle asked, glaring at Sully.[color=6ecff6]” You surely didn’t bring us here just to hide us…”[/color] She continued, trying to pry his real intentions. If he didn’t want his enemy catching them, it made most logical sense he wanted them for himself. To probably fight for him or something… [hr] [center][img] http://orig05.deviantart.net/73ee/f/2016/228/0/e/bar_by_rivaan-dae5c30.jpg [/img][/center] Clarice had decided to leave the grand evening event after meeting her old friend. Something else was going on here. She had thrown information requests at almost all her contacts from the past, pulled quite a few favors too, but no one really seemed to be giving any info. She even tried going through the official channels, but no one budged an inch. [color=f7941d] “I wonder what exactly is going down…” [/color]She muttered to herself, looking through the limo’s window. Ahh the night’s scenery of the city was truly a marvelous sight to behold. She gently gripped her fist and focused her mind. A golden colored metal gauntlet formed around her arm, covering the elegant glove from her cocktail dress. She smiled wondering if this is what was it all about. After all despite a lot of government silencing about a bunch of strange accidents, she still got wind as a police officer before the red tape went down and she was drugged. For example the bank branch in Darkwell being thrown into chaos when ‘tactical sound wave weapon’ was used. The golden gauntlet vanished and she looked outside the window again. If her last contact in the form of Jack didn’t help, she was just going to have to do this the old school way. She loved the old school way and that bratty sniper girl was her way into the whole situation. All she now needed was to catch the trail of the sniper... her info network should at least be able to do that. A sniper of her skill that's able to fire darts at such distance was a rare thing.