[b][u]MONTHLY PRODUCTION[/u][/b] -- At the beginning of every month, you post that at the end of your first IC post. Every Factory and Shipyard. you have will require a Production Slot. -- If you wish it to generate cash, just put in [b]Income[/b] in [i]Intended Production[/i]. Base is $100,000,000/Month. Textiles are +20%. [code] [b][u]MONTHLY PRODUCTION[/u][/b] -- [[b]Factory 1[/b]] - [[b]Factory Type[/b]] - [[b]Bonus/Malus[/b]] - [[i]Intended Production[/i]] - [[i]Monthly Production[/i]] -- [[b]Shipyard 1[/b]] - [[b]Shipyard Type[/b]] - [[i]Ship Class & Name[/i]][/code] [b]EXAMPLE[/b]: * [b][color=beige]SELJUK EMPIRE[/color][/b] -- [[b]Hashada Munitions Plant[/b]] - [Arms Factory] - [+20% Arms Production] - [[i]Rifles[/i] (Schutze M1902)] - [11,000] -- [[b]Pasha Salemi Textile Factory[/b]] - [Textile Factory] - [-25% Arms/+25% Income] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [$120,000,000] -- [[b]Tashyrr Shipyard[/b]] - [Minor Shipyard] - [Suyyala-class Destroyer | [i]Kasyy[/i]]