[b]Sunday afternoon (End of week one training)[/b] The week had gone by in what seemed like the blink of an eye. There had be hardships, but that was expected. Some of the tamers took to their training better than others. Some had personal issues that were preventing them from excelling in the way he knew they could, others weren't taking things seriously and this bothered Merrik to no end. [i]”How could a person, knowing fully what lies in the future, refuse to take responsibility and step up to the plate in the duties?”[/i] he wondered to Obsidian Nova as he carried plates of food and dishware to the large stone table in the middle of the meadow. Nova carried a large basket in his mouth with the larger items that Merrik himself could not carry. As they reached the stone table he began laying out the bountiful dinner that had just been prepared. Like every other night, apart from the night of arrival, the entire party gathered for dinner. This was to encourage socializing between tamers and gave the dragons a chance to catch up and relax with their [i]siblings[/i] as they lounged about the meadow while their tamers ate. Merrik felt it was important for the group to get used to each other and openly communicate. This would be crucial when the war began and the party was split off into groups to be assigned to different missions and tasks. Today he would open up the doors to assignments and explain the tamers first tasks. [i]”The bond is a powerful magic Merrik, it is indeed possible that the high of its power is altering the sensible sides of some of the drakes’ minds. Surely they were not raised to act in such ways. Nonetheless, we must focus on implementing disciplinary tactics as well as working to heal the tamers of their burdens, be they emotional, physical, or magical.”[/i] Obsidian Nova was referring to Irin’s problematic bond and the two of them made a note to assist him in his meditation this evening. Merrik also insisted on working with Yennifer on a more regular basis to improve her understanding of magic and anatomy; a healer would be crucial. Once the meal was set out, Merrik took his place at the head of the table, his back to the stables in the distance, he had intentions of waiting for the rest of the group (they knew full well what time dinner was), but something in his conscience was itching. He rose and made his way back to the stables. He entered the halls and made his way to where Sparks’ quarters were, knocking on the frame of the entrance. [b]”I beg your pardon m’lady, but I’d request entry. May we speak?”[/b] He had been through a difficult week with Sparks but a part of him felt deeply for her and what she was going through. ~~~ As Merrik took his place at the table once more, he looked around at the group of unique individuals before him. Only a week had passed since they arrived and already their faces had taken a fond portion of Merrik’s mind and heart. He looked around the meadow at the dragons as they lumbered about in miscellaneous action and interaction. He smiled at the young scaled serpents, a sense of pride warming his being. [b]”You've all made great progress this week.”[/b] He said to the group as they ate and sipped their drinks. [b]”Some drifted through the training as if by second nature, others struggled with certain aspects, but you've all done well. I want to stress the importance of what we do here each day. Without our dedication and elite abilities, this land will most certainly fall to darkness. Families will be torn apart, lands ravaged and destroyed, all that we know and love will slip into the evil that seeps across these magnificent lands. It is our duty to protect Illos. We are the New Order; we are bound by our titles and by our bonds. Do not ever forget the weight of our responsibility.”[/b] He paused to take a long gulp of sweet wine, a nearly non-alcoholic drink, as they had removed all alcohol from the property to remove the temptation from Sparks’ reach. [b]”Irin, this evening I’d like to work with you personally on your bond. Yennifer, I’d like to take some time to work with you on your healing magics as well if you wouldn’t mind. I shouldn't be more than an hour with either of you so you’ll still have your evenings to do as you please. Now, on another note, this week I will be assigning each of you a task to complete. Some will be done in groups, others alone. You are to consider these as real and as important as any mission I send you on during war. I need to get an idea of how seriously you will take your responsibilities. Some of your tasks will take a few days to complete, others will be a daily task of a few hours. When you are not working on these assignments you are to go throughout your day as normal; our training may be second priority to missions but it is a priority nonetheless and for your own sake, and for the sake of this army, you must remember this.”[/b]