Thu-mmmok frowned, as Yiggzavath responded angrily, the Filthmonger had quite the temper, but it was admirable that he worked so hard, at least, in Thu-mmmok's eyes. Still, it was clear he wasn't in the mood for conversation, so Thu-mmmok withdrew the tendril of sand, just in time for Erisbili's outburst, followed by the god of death's tauntings, the two had never been on [i]great[/i] terms, but there was no reason to bring up that dungeon again, and if that weren't enough, Kalla had arrived, the friendly air about her, and the way she glanced at him as if he were some sort of worry made the wonderful taste of ambrosia in his mouth turn sour. Thu-mmmok looked at his cup, then at the gods, and began to drink, slowly, but without pauses. "Keep the drinks coming, if you wouldn't mind." The desert god requested to the angel nearest to him, the angel frowned, and then sighed, shuffling off to fulfill Thu-mmmok's request. He only had to get through this one meeting, then he'd be back in his deserts, creating, expanding, and with those who appreciated him. That is what he kept telling himself, as a sort of mantra. Why couldn't Kilgarrah hurry up? Surely Kalla was going to bring up Thu-mmmok's plans to expand his deserts, if Kilgarrah could simply get to the point, that might be avoided. Oh how he hoped it would be avoided. It made no sense to keep fretting, Thu-mmmok decided, He was about to seek out conversation, before remembering his neutrality towards most gods, Yiggzavath clearly was not in the mood to talk, and Del Sombra was currently engaged in thought. No need to bother either of them, instead the desert god simply waited, staring at his empty cup, as if leering at it hard enough would cause it to produce ambrosia.