[center][h1]Cynder's Modest Attempt At Organizing Some Lore[/h1] By Cynder[/center] [b][h3]Naviance[/h3][/b] [b]King:[/b] King Horace III [b]Queen:[/b] Lady Foll'a [b]Royal Children:[/b] Unnamed princess (eldest child) and unnamed prince (youngest child). [b]Servants:[/b] Florence (maid) && Oliver (butler) [b]Royal Advisors:[/b] Top advisor (Elijah Hopkins) and three other advisors (coming soon) [b]Prime Enforcer:[/b] Valentina Polzin [b]Second Enforcer:[/b] Polaris Yukon [b]Tertiary Enforcer:[/b] Coming soon [b]Royal Court:[/b] Selene Dubois [b]Capital City:[/b] Name coming soon. [b]Government:[/b] Monarchy [b]Landlocked:[/b] To be decided. [b]Neighboring Countries:[/b] Coming soon. [b][h3]Proposed "Lands"[/h3][/b][list] [*]Land of the Gypsies [*]Land of the Witches [*]Land of the Glacerian Tribe [/list] [b][h3]Races[/h3][/b][list] [*]Human [*]Moon Elf [*]Orc [*]Lumya [*]Demon [*]Witch [*]Werewolf [*]Lycan [*]Kitsune [/list]