[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QfHTg0X.png[/img] [h1]Sydney Lee Hammond[/h1] Dude, call me Sinnie. 17 Bi-Curious Student & Part time Music Store Assistant [img]https://i.imgur.com/QfHTg0X.png[/img] [img]http://i.giphy.com/taSYVhneqD2xi.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/daQU4pi.gif[/img] [h3][i]Behind the most beautiful eyes lay secrets deeper and darker than the most mysterious sea.[/i][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QfHTg0X.png[/img] [h3]Likes[/h3] [hider] [img]http://media.giphy.com/media/n9kVuPqE4ApDa/giphy.gif[/img] [List] [*] [b]Music[/b] - It was clear that Sydney wasn't your typical girl, rebellious, spontaneous and alternative which reflected her personal love for music perfectly; having a love for bands such as The Runaways she found herself dressing more within the attire of tom-boy culture. She can often be seen wearing her favorite and somewhat signature leather jacket and boy-fitted flannel shirts on occasion. As a result of this personal addiction and love for alternative rock music she prides herself in the ability to play guitar and enjoys listening to music on her Walkman through an assortment of mix tapes. It's probably also one of the main reasons why she works in a music store part time when not studying. [/List] [List] [*] [b]Caffeine & Cigarettes[/b] - Sydney would appear to have a fairly obvious problem when it came to the amount of caffeine, Nicotine and Cannabis she induced on a daily to weekly basis. From time to time she would appear tired, stressed and fatigued with a cup of coffee to-go in her hand and a rolled cigarette in the other; meanwhile the faint smell of weed would often radiate from her clothes. It was clear that she had some problems but getting her to talk about them was near impossible. But her obvious love for them was profound, almost like a complete addiction, talking often about her love for coffee. [/list] [list] [*][b]The Outdoors[/b] - Sydney rarely spends a day inside her home, however if most people saw her living conditions and the way that her family treated her they too would rather stay outdoors as much as possible. Sydney holds a fascination for trees, lakes and swamp lands which brings out her inner explorer. Although many people would be scared to venture to places such as Heaven's River, Sydney can often be found sitting upon a large tree which overlooks the river with no fear in doing so due to her brave demeanor. Her favorite spot gives a distant view of the mysterious power plant in the distance, something that had been peeking her curiosity since it's construction and opening. If not within the Heaven's location she enjoys time in the fields over at Cooper Keep, but often finds herself being chased off by a particular farmer that she has history with. [/list] [list] [*] [b]Parties & Social Interaction[/b] - Sydney is fairly popular in town, this is down to her outgoing nature and desire to split herself off from her family and intimate life and spend it with others that can bring out the happiness hidden within her. She almost uses friends and people as fuel to help her get through each day as it approaches her, she enjoys rocking out at parties and losing herself to the music. [/list] [list] [*] [b]Guns[/b] - Clearly the most dangerous and controversial thing that Sydney likes as a personal hobby, something which had been introduced to her through the guidance of her uncle who has taught her in both the understanding and handling in basic rifle marksmanship and pistol control. Sydney see's this hobby as a way to vent her anger out on some defenseless targets and bottles and until the United States bans her from doing so she's probably never going to stop. [/list] [/hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QfHTg0X.png[/img] [h3]Dislikes[/h3] [hider] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/skL37EDldhuFO/giphy.gif[/img] [list] [*] [b]Liars[/b] Sydney finds liars disgusting, honesty is something that she respects most in people and if she were to find someone lying to her she wouldn't hesitate in letting them go and moving on. [/list] [list] [*] [b]Her Family[/b] - Probably the worst thing within her life is her family apart from one or two people in particular. She despises them due to their treatment, aggression and arrogance. Constantly in an unstable environment which expresses violence and hostility which primarily comes from her father, an alcoholic and thug that believes he can control over his family with an iron fist. Her parents are also drug addicted and hold little care for her well being resulting in Sydney essentially spending her time living at friends houses to stay away from home. [/list] [list] [*][b]Doctors & Medication[/b] - The many stresses and issues within her life in which most of them are from the result of her family put Sydney within a personal and rather intimate battle with depression, requiring regular visits to her local doctors office and the prescription of anti depressant. She completely hates this practice and feels ashamed of herself, she does however keep this completely secret from everyone and hides it best she can. [/list] [/hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QfHTg0X.png[/img] [h2]Personality[/h2] [/center] [center] [hider] [center] [img]http://i.giphy.com/3kOeb6Y1yCBaM.gif[/img] [/center] There is always multiple sides to a person. At first you may believe that you know someone fully, allowing yourself to fall for a ruse or the side that they only want you to see; they may appear confident and happy but the honest truth may be that deep down within does dark blue eyes there is a sadness and pit of anxiety that only those close enough will witness. Sydney in this case is a prime example of this and despite being confident, sociable and outgoing not even these can cover up her issues and her insecurities, things that she believes are bandaged and maintained with alcohol, smoking, medication and some good music but most of the time these just don't fix it for her. Besides the negatives Sydney is a trustworthy person that does anything for her friends, she can however be lazy on occasion yet she always appears to be enthusiastic even if said display is fake in an attempt to make those around her happy. Sydney is plagued by the feeling of constantly having to make others happy and having to accustom herself to doing so while also dealing with her own problems at the same time. This results in her regular stress, followed by a cigarette. Sydney although happy and sociable on the outside does have a short fuse, she doesn't like to be told no and will usually shout back at authority. This rebellious nature clearly comes from the way in which she grew up. Sydney is also fairly flirtatious, but most of the time is down to bringing attention to herself and simply messing with people, Sydney often wraps people around her finger without even realizing she's doing it which gives her a bit of a reputation of being an attention whore, but those that know her best look past this. Most of the time she takes things easy, laying down, smoking a joint and listening to music while possibly also expressing her creative side and doing some little drawings on the side but also writing down her little ideas and questions about the random occurrences happening within the town, something that has slowly been peeking her interest as time goes on... Perhaps she with investigate further? [/hider] [/center] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QfHTg0X.png[/img] [h2]History/Biography[/h2] [/center] [center] [hider] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/4dfe237ee0de1aae0ad119efae8a356f/tumblr_mtud30vWJ91swizo9o1_500.gif[/img] "You stupid little bitch!" Screamed Sydney's mother Carol as a half finished cigarette perched out from misplaced rotten teeth of an aging bitter woman. "How dare you come into this house and expect to sleep here without bringing me some fucking cigarettes!" She continued, her angered bitter gaze focused down upon Sydney before reaching down and grabbing Sydney's own pack of cigarettes from her pocket. "Ah! here we go.. Got nothing to say? Fine, get the fuck out." She'd say in a condescending manner before spitting on Sydney and walking off towards her husband who was reclined back in his chair with a needle in his arm. [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/3f9f0a8bec0f45beb01cb1fcf1135cf9/tumblr_mobfd6RTLU1svttpqo1_500.gif[/img] Sydney was used to this, she didn't say a word, not a single peep as she knew that it would just make things worse for her and probably her brother Joel. She turned away, eyes puffy and red as she battled to hold back the sadness and fear that had built up within her, the anxiety and the aggression she had been fighting for so long, she wanted to escape this reality and this treatment but she couldn't leave her brother, this was the only thing binding her to this place. Joel, her twin brother is a sensitive, quiet guy with a bitter, brutal edge. The product of being forced to "be a man" by his father who believes that punching and punishing his son is the way to shape him into an adult accepted by society that cannot be pushed around, yet Joel is smart enough to see past his fathers ruse, and Sydney is a close and important person to him also. Walking out of the house she immediately pressed her hand through the confines of her top to reach down into her bra to pull out what would appear to be an emergency cigarette and a lighter; closing her eyes slightly she would take the moment to wipe the wetness from her tender red eyes followed by an audible whimper and a sniffle of her nose. Stick a cigarette into her mouth she'd light it up before taking in a deep inhale of sweet nicotine to calm her nerves. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/EsqOUfkhLCg2A/giphy.gif[/img] Looking down at her Casio watch she let's out an audible "Shit" causing her to start pace out of possibly the worst housing estate in the entire town. Quickening her pace she'd make her way into the center of Boca Diablo, her eyes focusing upon the familiar sight of Jackson Smiths Statue, she was starting to get tired of seeing the same statue over and over but it was better than nothing within the boring lifeless town. Nearing her destination a few friends and acquiescence, including her ex-boyfriend Jason Moore walked past her, usually Sydney was one for giving small waves and smiles but the run in with her mother dragged her down into a depressive stooper with her eyes focused upon the floor, she wasn't one for talking today.. At-least not to the right person. Walking into the white room, she sat down on a familiar chair, feeling the eyes upon her, judging her, questioning her. "This is our Third Session now Sydney, I think that since we've got past some of your mood triggers and problems as well as medication I can get to know you better, how does that sound?" Doctor Kathleen says to her in a soothing voice, trying to make things comfortable. "Sure, whatever." Sydney replied with her eyes still bitter and red from previous tears now begging to dry as time moved on. "So, Sidney, You are a student correct? What is your favorite subjects and what do you hope to do when you leave, also I think I remember you mentioning that you also have a part time job on the side, right?" The doctor asked curiously, waiting for a reply. Looking withdrawn and distant, Sydney decided to roll with it and make as much use of the session as she could before having to leave for work afterwards. "Yeah.. I'm in Eleventh Grade, Not going to lie I don't really enjoy any of it apart from music and sound design, I uh.. Play guitar and I suppose that my love for music sort of carried on over to my job, I work over at Riley's Records, It isn't bad I guess, I get free tapes for working there so I can't complain." Sydney would explain, a faint small smile appearing on her lips upon mentioning music. "Ah, I see, you seem happy when you talk about music, perhaps you should use music as a way to improve your mood, music is something that many other people use to get through bad times." The doctor would explain. "Yeah.." Sydney would say simply, her mind racing back to her childhood and the first time that she experienced music. Things seemed different then, her parents were different, this was before all the drugs and abuse, it seemed like the drugs warped the minds of her parents, changed them into monsters and beasts that shall never change their ways. The feeling of her hands hand against hers, the sounds of laughter, giggling and fairground music, what was this? When was this? Wha- "Sidney, Sidney? You look really distant today- [img]http://murphymeadow.com/26/skins-effy-gif-216.gif[/img] [/hider] [/center] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QfHTg0X.png[/img] [h3]Relationships[/h3] [i]Relationships & Information will be listed here.[/i] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QfHTg0X.png[/img] [/center]