[hider=Religion] [u]Polytheistic Gods[/u] Some people of the world follow the old religion which has a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. Choosing to worship some gods and not others is not unheard of or having a patron deity that one identifies with is also not uncommon. Helvetti- God of the Underworld Sota- Goddess of War Elama- Goddess of life, usually attributed as the Creator God Rakkaus- God of Love Sato- God of the Harvest Metsastys- Goddess of the Hunt Talvi- Goddess of Winter Kevat- Goddess of Spring Kesa- Goddess of Summer Syksy- Goddess of Fall (all 4 goddesses of the seasons are sisters) Raha- God of good fortune, usually referring to fortune as in money. [u]Monotheistic God[/u] Often referred to as the One “True” God by his followers. Followers believe that all of the old Gods are in fact the same God, the One True God. Isa- God of All [/hider]