[right][color=slategray][b][u]Marlowe Tolfell[/u][/b][/color][/right] Marlowe chuckled when Vincent flustered and introduced himself, but her smile faded quickly when he went back to the subject of prejudice and hardship. Her own parents had always encouraged the harshest treatments of Malfunctions. She struggled with the idea of being one for a long time. She had always believed in their point of view until it happened to her. When she found out she was a Malfunction, Marlowe thought her personality would dissolve and she would become something monstrous. But it never happened. She was the same as always. It took her a long time to understand that being a Mal wasn't the same as being a bad person (and that Mal's [i]were[/i] still people). [color=slategray]"At least you weren't alone."[/color] She responded, interrupting her own thoughts. But she wasn't given a chance to continue when a girl joined into their conversation. For a long few minutes the stranger stood there quietly. Marlowe was about to ask what she wanted when she noticed how scared and confused she looked. She felt a little guilty for what would have been a blunt questioning on her part, and smiled when the girl introduced herself. She was about to return the formality when Aleyna started asking about the train. Her smile dropped again. [color=slategray]"We haven't been on the train for hours. We're already at the... facility."[/color] Marlowe muttered, looking around darkly. She hadn't seen anyone brought in unconscious but it had been such a commotion that she wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't noticed. Briefly, she wondered if Aleyna had been hurt, but looking her up and down Marlowe decided that she was fine. Aleyna was slender like she was, but quite a bit taller. She had pretty hair, Marlowe thought, slightly envious, but she was more focused on how cheery she was able to be. She wasn't able to crack a smile that genuine in times like these. Maybe it was because she didn't remember much. [color=slategray]"You should change into your pajamas."[/color] Marlowe pulled at her own shirt to show her what they should look like, but when she thought about it, it wasn't necessary. Everyone around was wearing them. They were more of a uniform than PJ's, but she didn't want to make it sound like it was an issue. Usually she wouldn't mention it, but in this place she wasn't sure when a guard would notice or what kind of response they would have. It wasn't worth the risk over something so petty. [color=slategray]"They should be on your bunk. We're required to wear them."[/color] She added, just so that Aleyna wouldn't misunderstand.