A ratkin and two undead came walking through the streets in procession. A few people, be they religious or newcomers, stepped aside and frowned or gaped at the spectacle, but most payed no heed. Laborers of the Grey Guild were a common sight in Karstberg after all. Sniggit was out working, but she only had one job today and wasn't in a hurry. Some dead human somewhere in a neighboring district had been mistaken for a non-contracted body and had been buried in a cemetery, so the young collector had been given two laborers to assist with reclaiming the body from the earth. She expected trouble from the clergy of the temple the cemetery belonged to, but all of her papers were in order so she had nothing to fear. If things got bad, as they did sometimes, she'd call the guard and they'd settle it. People were allowed their opinion on the guild she supposed, but the law was the law and the guild usually had it on their side. She had one errand to take care of before she recovered the body, though. She was going to a local blacksmith, Ezel, to have her dagger sharpened. It had been quite some time since she'd last had it fixed, and it was high time she did something about that. Coming up to his shop she ordered her undead escort to stand back so she could negotiate with the man in peace. Some people were unnerved by the deados. She didn't know if Ezel was one of them, but didn't care to find out either. "Ezel!" she hollered, "You there? Sniggit here, need dagger sharp-sharp! You take care of while I go business, get coin when I return. Yesno?"