"Oohohohoho, rookie mistake missy", Isei chortled with clear enjoyment as the overbearing she-beast got socked on the back of the head for her troubles. As far as he could tell, that blow would do little but enrage...whatever or whoever this was, but there was a lesson for her to learn here if she cared to do so. Noticing the goombas coming back around looking to score two strikes in one go, Isei pushed off the ground with his hand and effortlessly launched himself into the air, floating light as a feather as he bounded over the gem's head before landing on his feet behind her and putting Jasper in the path of the attackers once more. "The best tool can be quite useless if mishandled and physical gifts can be wasted on poor technique", he continued unabated, ready to shuffle back and defend himself while waiting to see how Jasper would handle the situation. And then, of course, he took stock of the spell Ainz had cast, the magical vortex swallowing airships whole. Mages were such a pain in the ass, rarely any control or sense of appropiate response. He pointed upwards, perhaps rather pointlessly considering Jasper was not currently looking at him. "You think yourself powerful? What do you think of that, then? Could you match such a thing?". [@BringBack1996]