The sun had just risen, its light spreading over the Village of Tipa chasing away the shadows that had come with the night. The Crystal in the center of the town shimmering and reflecting beams of dancing blue light. It was morning, and it was a very special morning at that. It would be the day that the New Caravan was to replace the old, new adventurers to head out, and it would be the Mayor's duty to greet them by the bridge, give them snippets of his worldly wisdom, and send them off, as he had every year since becoming mayor. He would do his best to wake up before the eager youth and catch them before they run off, because, it had happened before. He stretched, yawned, then stood, excited to let the brilliant young hope of Tipa on their course. Rika Woke up to the sounds all to common in her house, the thwacking of a hammer against an anvil. Her father must of been up all night going at it...whatever it was, all Rika knew was that it cut into her sleep, and she wasn't too thrilled. Her last night in her own bed for a whole year, and her daddy ruins her rest with his obscene obsession with seeing sparks fly! Why couldn't she have just been born into a normal selkie family? the type that like the shine of gems and treasure, not the brief shimmer of bits flying off of scolding hot metal? She let out a sigh as she got herself ready, getting dressed and grabbing her rucksack which held all of her material items that she would be using during her travels. "Oh Daddy?!" She spoke in a high playful tone, "Why is it that you robbed your baby girl of a good nights sleep before she leaves?" She clentched her fist behind her back, getting ready to deck her father in the face for such a high crime. "AHAHA! So you heard me working then?" The Selkie, covered in a thick layer of soot from working throughout the night laughed as he brushed the black covering from his face, "I was a little behind schedule my girl," Stepping forward with his own hands behind his back, "But don't worry, it was all worth it." Rika started to swing her right arm to hit her father in the face, her facial expression showing that she was forcing herself before not to give away her plan, only to stop before she hit him, a beautifully crafted dagger laying in the palms of her fathers hands. "Don't be so daft my little girl, I wouldn't send you off without one last present. You are my precious baby girl after all" He placed the dagger in her hands, "Use it well and remember us in your travels. you got a good head on your body, don't forget to use it." He laughed at his own comment, then stepped off, a wobble in his walk showing how tired the man really was. "Thank you daddy..." Rika started to cry as she grabbed her bag and rushed out the door. Not saying a word to the rest of her siblings, she wanted to leave without becoming a mess of tears. She was the first to arrive at the bridge where the Mayor was waiting to inevitably bore them one last time.