Well, one good turn deserved another, so here's Part 2: [quote][url=http://alexanderlozada.com/iasip/?IkltcGVyaWFsZHJhbW9uIEdldHMgQ29ja2Jsb2NrZWQgYnkgYSBHaWFudCBCaXJkLiI=]As Alphamon and Examon began the DNA Digivolution process, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode snarled, extending his wings and lunging forward. Five... "I won't let you!" The Knight bellowed, Omni-Sword pointed directly at Alphamon's chest. Four... Almost there. Just a little more speed, and Alphamon would be dead. Three... So close! He was so close to ending this farce once and for all![/url][/quote] [quote][url=http://alexanderlozada.com/iasip/?IlplaSBEZXZlbG9wcyBQVFNELiI=]Masashi Takeda was no acquaintance. She had met him in the past under somewhat dire circumstances and helped him, though she began to wonder if her past actions were now causing an unwanted consequence and whether or not he even remembered her. Being the CEO of a large corporation, Zei doubted that he would even recognize her. That said, if what was said about him was true, he needed to be stopped, fast. Lucas and Leon had the same idea, if the former's parting words were any indication. She knew every single one of the humans in their little ragtag group would strongly object to her going on this harrowing mission, regardless of what she knew about Takeda. However, she couldn't bear the thought of sitting back and letting the others delve into danger. A resolute idea was formed in her mind, deadly and almost foolish, but one she gladly undertake.[/url][/quote] [quote][url=http://alexanderlozada.com/iasip/?IldhckNhcGlkcmFtb24gU3BlbmRzIFR3byBZZWFycyBGaWdodGluZyBhIEdpYW50IE1vc3F1aXRvLiI=]As the Digi-Core approached, its light reflected in the eyes of WarCapidramon. Within that light, Jordan could see a cliff with a cloudy sky. Suddenly, that sky tore open into a blaze of fire, from which the most gaunt, ghastly steer galloped, their calls seemingly bemoaning their state. Their horns were black, and shining, and their hooves seemed to be made of steel. He could see flames leaping from what looked like demonic brands on their hinds, and he could feel the reek of their hot breath. Their galloping sent streaks of lightning hurtling through the sky, sending the spire of deep, sickening fear driving into him. And then, he saw the riders. They were mounted upon skeletal steeds which could not be identified, breathing flames from long, open nasal passages, some with twisted, black horns upon their long heads. The riders thereupon were gaunt and pale, almost skeletal themselves, cracking whips and leading baying, winged hounds on their wild hunt across the skies. Among the cattle, spectral forms of the most horrid types appeared, striking one another and hiding among the cattle to gain meager seconds before vanishing again. Just as the riders emitted a tremendous shout, he was jolted to reality, the vision fading. He knew now what he must do. Standing with the last of his strength, WarCapidramon allowed the Holy Digi-Core to enter his body, merging with his chest in a bright light.[/url][/quote] [quote][url=http://alexanderlozada.com/iasip/?IlRoZSBPT0MgVHVybnMgSW50byBhIEZ1Y2tpbmcgV2Fyem9uZS4i]"attack me and find out." said the man. BlackWarGreymon ran forwards and slashed at the strange man with his Dramon Slayers. the man drew his Bokken and the Dramon slayers were stopped by them. BlackWarGreymon was left dumbfounded, most Mega-Level Digimon were unable to stop his claws, how could this human and his wooden sword stop his attack?[/url][/quote] [quote][url=http://alexanderlozada.com/iasip/?IlBhcmFzaW1vbiBUYW5rcyBhIFdhdmUgTW90aW9uIEd1biAyOiBFbGVjdHJpYyBCb29nYWxvby4i]“Take it all like the whore you are! Royal Vengence!” he shouted, and the energy gathered in his hand cannon left with and explosive force. If it wasn’t for his own energy rooting him to where he was, UlforceVeedramon would have flown backward and lost control of it. The entire group of energy left in two forms. The beginning was a bomb/bullet of white energy while a stream of red, gold and blue energy followed behind in the form of a cone of laser energy. The entire side Omnishield would take all the punishment until it couldn't hold it anymore. After about ten second of releasing energy in the focused area, the blast stopped and the cannon was no more.[/url][/quote] [quote][url=http://alexanderlozada.com/iasip/?IlBhcmFzaW1vbiBKb2lucyBUaGUgR2FuZy4i]Sleipmon huffed as he trudged towards the cave entrance. “Think about it, Parasimon. Kappa is expecting us here. If we go, we won’t find him. If he’s not coming back, I can’t move Yggdrasil by myself. If nothing else, we need to wait for Kappa-” It was then that a dot in the sky caught his attention. He blinked and squinted. “Actually, that may be him...” No, the figure was too big. “Now?” It - no, they were getting closer. And Sleipmon knew who they were. “Oh. We’re fucked. It doesn’t matter anymore, we’re utterly fucked.” “Go. Get Kappa and go,” Parasimon said in return, taking his lance and stepping right out of the cave towards the figures in the distance. Towards Alphamon and Examon. Towards death.[/url][/quote] [quote=@Psyker Landshark] Now see Ob, this is why I'm still putting it up the gaping maw that is your bumhole. [/quote] ilu2 bby now gimme summa dat good ol' dick