[b]Finished[/b] Let me know if there's anything you need me to change. If I'm accepted I'll post it to character section. [center][color=gray][h2] Marko Quinlan [/h2][/color] [img] https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjI1MjIzMjk5Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTA4Nzk5OTE@._V1_UY317_CR51,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [/img] [color=gray][i]Like a snake always in recoil, you never know when he's going to snap.[/i][/color][/center] [color=gray][i]Nicknames:[/i][/color] Mark, Marko, Marky. [color=gray][i]Gender:[/i][/color] How dare you assume my gender! Just kidding, Male. [color=gray][i]Age:[/i][/color]19 [color=gray][i]Sexuality:[/i][/color]Hetero [hr] [center][hider=Likes][img]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u500/smileyjaws94/d2619730-559f-4b81-8be1-453f64d7d6f8_zpsbzopdpcd.jpg[/img] [color=gray][i]Likes:[/i][/color] +[b] Hunting[/b] Some of Marko’s earliest memories are of his father taking him hunting when he was seven or eight and remembers his dad’s great respect for living things as well as his ability at hunting. Marko has hunted himself and with his two brothers before they left since then and would call it one of his passtimes. Anything from setting snares or shooting to lamping with his dogs. Naturally his love of hunting lends to a love of the outdoors as well. +[b] Music [/b]Marko was brought up on rock and rap and they have remained his favorite genres since as long as he can remember although he does listen to just about aything that he likes the sound of. While music never directly affected his style or anything growing up it has definitely been a deep part of Marko in many ways. + [b]Street Art[/b] An appreciation of street art has stemmed since seeing stuff online and in books about the history of grafitti as well as a book called ‘Out of Sight’ which was all about street art in abandoned places. He found the idea of artists not even signing the work because it was intended to be seen by only the few who found it not something paraded out for everyone to see. + [b]Personal Space[/b] While he enjoys the company of people he knows well or are close to him. Marko would much rather find himself in solitude than socialising with a group of strangers. As well as this he finds being touched other than a handshake for example by strangers or acquaintances is not on. [/hider] - [hider=Dislikes][img]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u500/smileyjaws94/image_zpsbm3x4gew.jpg[/img] [color=gray][i]Dislikes:[/i][/color] [b]Lousy Parents[/b] Seeing people being bad parents in general leaves a sour taste in Marko’s mouth from memories of his own mother after the death of his dad. It’s not his business though is how he tends to look at it. [b]Police[/b] Marko holds a generally bad perception of authority, society and the police. Often jeering them as they pass verbally or with hand gestures. While not outrightly violent to them or anything he enjoys giving cops that bother him a hard time. [b]Pop[/b] Probably the only genre of music that would ever be on this list in Marko’s case. He tends to leave the radio off when driving.[/hider] [/center] [hr] [center][hider=Personality & Biography][img]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u500/smileyjaws94/0c92c8e4-54e4-4371-9778-fc32ad9473b4_zpsf7c9pnzq.jpg[/img] [color=gray][i]Personality:[/i][/color] Marko is a confusing one. Generally he shows many characteristics of an anti social disorder - manipulative behaviour, lack of shame or remorse, a great ability for lying in regards to achieving goals and a general disregard for the feelings of others. Recent sessions with a therapist have uncovered depression, possibly clinical but at the same time with all his traits that point towards alarming evidence of a sociopath he's deep in the grips of his own war in his head and possesses a fierce loyalty to friends, family and loved ones. It's possible his real personality is suppressed or has been altered by heavy substance abuse, cigarettes, beer and marijuana just about complete Marko and sometimes it seems that he lives on the stuff. While being very much a closed book if Marko can open up to you it's a sign of trust. A gentle soul at heart it's believed his past, substance abuse and mental health concerns are at the root of any disorder. Very few outside of therapy and close friends and family have noticed anything of real concern, Marko tends to emulate emotions, body language and reactions to hide general lack of feeling. [color=gray][i]Biography:[/i][/color] Marko, his younger sister and two older brothers[1] were raised by a single mother when there father died in what the Police have called a 'tragic accident' but the family believe it to be foul play when the pick-up went over a bridge and into a ravine. This event greatly influenced the rest of Marko's childhood who was turning 9 at the time. Their mother had new men over the next decade but none that ever stuck or resembled any kind of father figure for the children. Mark was fifteen when his two older brothers had left home, one even moving state over to the other side of the country for college or something - Mark never really heard from him since. When his mother's alcoholism and casual drug usage had brought her to the point of not being able to look after the children Marko found himself looking after his little sister, she was only two years younger than him and would learn as she followed Mark around during teenage drinking, smoking and whatever else was going on. His first few run-ins with local Police was for minor bullshit like drinking in public while underage, possession of a few grams of weed which he only ever got cautioned on. It was two years later when his sister who was fifteen at the time came home one stormy night with her clothes half ripped off her, make-up smeared and generally in a state. Later on Marko found out the whole story once the police reports had been filed. His sister had been raped and apparently didn't know who'd done it. It was her eyes as Marko questioned her himself that gave the answer away. There was a large black kid who lived back closer into town, he was never right in the head, learning difficulties is what they called it. Turned out he'd been at party had offered to drive his sister home and went off course and raped her, violently from what any reports told. At this stage Marko stepped back, unable to bide his time but still wanting a course of action. He put his rifle in the truck and drove into town, covering his face and body well, wearing plain black clothes he parked the truck up close to the bowling alley where this scum was hanging out with some friends. As Marko spotted him leaving he jumped out of the truck, rifle in hand roaring at the terrified group of lads who soon left when ordered leaving the brother with his revenge. He dragged Erere, as he was called around the lane and the rest was history really. The police were called by management and there was a short stand off before Marko surrendered. Long-story short due to the circumstances Marko was handed down his final caution and a hefty fine with the knowledge that any more behavior like this would have him locked up without questioning. It was only a few months later that their mother also died from an underlying condition. One brother ended up moving back to the house which after a short legal battle the siblings won and bought from a bank disclosure. He'd only been living in town anyway and now that it was just the three of them in the house with one brother seemingly never to be heard of again. Marko has a young boy who is turning one year old but isn't allowed to see him for no reason in particular just by wishes of the mother[2]. Marko has complained and threatened to take her to court but never seems to get around to it. When the food and electricity ran out, Marko and Sean knew they had to do something to get some money into the household. Especially when hunting or selling timber wasn't an option. Sean, the older of the two originally started the idea of selling drugs around town but soon had Marko on board. [/hider][/center] [hr] [color=gray][i]Other:[/i][/color] - Marko has two dogs, Boots (a wheaton hound crossed with a lurcher) and Chief (a border collie) [1] [hider= Siblings] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/victorious/images/d/d5/Beautiful-elizabeth-gillies-jade-west-liz-gillies-Favim.com-317635.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121227222918[/img] [i]Maria, Sister, Age 17[/i] [img]http://www.hotflick.net/flicks/2007_Juno/007JNO_Jason_Bateman_010.jpg[/img] [i]Jack, Brother, Age 24[/i][/hider] [2] [hider= Childs Mother][img]http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u500/smileyjaws94/Wiley_zpsljvin74i.jpg[/img][/hider]