[center][h1]Emil[/h1][/center] [color=0072bc]”I have heard strange things within this room indeed, professor Dupree,”[/color] Emil said.[color=0072bc] ”Although I am not sure whether they can be...[i]known[/i].”[/color] He closed the door the good old way -- manually. It clanked and he leaned against the white wall, where all three could see each other well. It crossed his mind that the company probably was the biggest Faye had seen in a long time, sans the company hospital personnel could provide, of course. If it could be called company. Three of them in a such of small place, and no syringes, no pills shoved down her throat by doctors and nurses ignorant of the actuality of her condition. Perhaps it was for the best, them not knowing that what the inner eye behind the visage of their patient saw was not merely a hallucination or some simple theater of lunacy, but rather an odious perversion of the underlying fabric of the universe in hands of alien, unfathomable forces. His arms crossed on his chest, he added:[color=0072bc] ”At least by me, that is.”[/color] [i][color=fff79a]- Come on, Emil! - Aim for the head! - Oh, where is Thomas? - Hey, stop it! It's not fair, I don't have my gloves on! It's cold! - Get him, Emil! Get him! - But where is Thomas? - Probably peeing again. - Sofia is worried about her boyfriend! - Shut up! - Sofia and Thomas, sitting in a tree! - Stop it! - Ouch! There's ice in there! You're the worst sometimes. - Says you! - It's gonna leave a bruise and I have church tomorrow! - Thooooomas! Thooooooooomas! - Let him be, he'll be back. - He's been there for an hour. What's taking him so long? - Probably writing his name in the snow again. - There he is! Come on, throw all the big ones! - Guys! Guys! Stop it! - He's shaking... - He's all wet. - What happened to you? - Thomas? Thomas! - He's down, someone call his parents! - W-why is he shaking? Close his eyes! Look at them! - Hey, wake up! Wake up![/color][/i] [color=39b54a][i]Sunday lunch, in silence. All the kids in their rooms. Epilepsy, father says to mom. Erika kicking my leg under the table, me poking at the meat on the plate. But he keeps rambling in coma, horrible images and strange words no one understands, mom says to father. Children and their imagination, he says and swallows a mouthful. The pond in the woods is gone, how? mom asks. Eat... father says with a pause and angry eyes. Don't you dare, don't you dare, play there again! mother says and points her finger at me. I nod.[/i][/color] [color=39b54a][i] Not epilepsy.[/i][/color] Emil cleared his throat, said: [color=0072bc]”So... What is to be done? I am not much of a leader myself.”[/color]